Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I can only agree with all the other wonderful women here- MY MOONCUP IS AWESOME and has changed my perception of my period.
It’s no longer ‘dirty’ and to be thrown into one of the toxic waste bins in the women’s toilets-which need special companies to come and remove them. Instead, I can now see it for exactly what it is, and it looks much ‘cleaner’ when it’s not soaked up into an un-environmentally friendly tampon.

I’ve not had any leaks, and after getting used to insertion and removal, I only wish I’d known about them sooner.

So glad mooncup is having an advertising drive, after the recent ban of the word ‘vagina’ in a tampon ad in the US, it’s fantastic to see the promotion of such a great alternative product here.

If you haven’t already…get your mooncup now 🙂

Rose – 19 March 2010

I can’t praise the mooncup enough. I switched about 2 years ago. I would shout about it to every woman. I walk happily past the sanitary items shelves in shops because I never have to buy those again and I feel sorry for the women that still do. I will never again be responsible for the use of bleach, the addition to landfill, and above all the 5% VAT payable to the taxman – what’s that about?! Luxury items? Hardly!It’s easy to use and perfectly secure, never any embarrassment, and I’m proud to be a Mooncup user.

jm77 – 19 March 2010

Hi,I saw the mooncup advertised on the London tube and had a chat with my sister about it and I can honestly say i will never look back after buying one. I have suffered from very bad periods for years and have had a constant paranoia about going out when i am on my period due to the amount of blood i lose and a tampon and towel never worked, the mooncup has given me the chance to not worry about coming on my period for the first time in years. For any woman reading this who is not sure about using one, go and get one, you will never look back. Thank you so much mooncup.Victoria x

Victoria – 18th March 2010

i bought my mooncup after seing Cathy on a stand at the RCN conference. I can honestly say it changed my life! I used to get Thrush every month and that cleared up completely with the first use. I am at the beach alot in the summer and it gave me such a sense of freedom to just turn up in what I was wearing ,so to speak. I run and swim alot and have never had a problem with leaking or discomfort. No more finding squashed tampons in my bag or being sore and uncomfortable at the end of my period. I also went from someone who never spoke about periods to proclaining the virtues of the mooncup to anyone who would listen. It makes me happy that this is what my daughter will be able to use in the future instead of all that fiddling about and expense and WASTE!only one problem though -when I last sterilised my mooncup I put it in the pan and then watched the Apprentice and then the Apprentice you’re fired and then wondered what the burning smell was! Next time I will use a timer!

anna – 18th March 2010

I was so freaked out when my Mother got one and wouldn’t stop going on about it, but after I gave it a go I came to understand how awesome the thing is. And good for the environment. I am in the process of converting all of my housemates – 2 down, 2 to go. Once you get past the fact that your mates might laugh at first, you can realise how much better than tampons or pads it is.

Robyn – 18 March 2010

I have been using my Mooncup for six months and I am SO pleased with it. I never thought I’d be enthusing about period protection but it’s just awesome. No more mess, fussing about, having a stack of tampon boxes staring at me in the bathroom, no dryness or having to dash to the loo. I also like that once the Mooncup is in, it’s in, clean and sorted out – unless you change your tampon every time you go to the loo there’s a certain ick factor there. Plus I feel more “at home” with my body. Now TV ads for tampons seem laughable – they have to use blue liquid and act like vaginas are scary. So much of advertising etc acts like women’s bodies need to be cleaned up, tidied away and disinfected – scented “down there” wipes I’m looking at you. This feels much more accepting, like a real step for the normalising of the female body. Even without all that it is very liberating to walk away from the tampon aisle and not even think about when my next period is. Wish I’d had one years ago.

Alex – 18 March 2010

Great product. I’ve used it for years now and nothing could force me to go back to tampons. It’s no more complicated than tampons to use and let’s face it periods are never going to be a mess free business. 🙂

Clair – 18 March 2010

Mooncup is great – I love it. I think it’s sad so many people are squeamish about touching their own bodies. I love Mooncup for the fact it saves me loads of money, doesn’t leave horrible fibres behind, and means I’m not polluting the water system with tampons.

Vicki – 17 March 2010

I love using my mooncup. Took a few goes to get it right, but being able to sleep in WHATEVER position I like is so so good. Also, not having to change every 2 hours make it a winner for me, and not having to carry bags of “supplies” when I travel is a big plus.

milli – 17 March 2010

Love the mooncup! Thought would take ages to get used to but was fine immediately (although I had to trim it a couple of times until it felt right). I have excessively heavy periods and it is just so much more manageable and less worrisome now. Only slight problem is that for the first couple of days, and particularly nights, my period is so heavy the mooncup leaks, but this generally only happens at night and so I use an ST as well the first couple of nights). Also (sorry to be graphic!) took a while to get used to extracting/emptying it without spillage, again as I am so heavy. But after a couple of months I was totally used to it. Now been using for around 3 years and it has honestly made what was a terrible experience every month (changing super tampons every HOUR, not good) to something so manageable and easy that I hardly notice I even have my period. And no nasty chemicals and no waste. And it saves money! Brilliant.

moo – 17 March 2010