Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I first saw an advert for the mooncup on a toilet door in Keswick… thought it sounded good, jotted it down and promptly forgot all about it! 6 months on and I randomly saw the box in Boots as I hummed and hawed about which tampons to buy. Decided to give it a go, though still bought tampons just in case. 3 days on and I can’t see why I will ever go back to the mess of tampons. So much simpler, more convenient and comfortable. Only problem now is all the left over tamptons… any ideas??!!

Indi – 21st March 2010

I bought my Mooncup from Boots about a year and a half ago. It takes a bit of getting used to and I’ve had three kids so that makes it a bit easier (if you know what I mean!). What’s great is that you never run out of tampons at the wrong time and have to borrow or find a chemist that’s open. I’ve even knitted a Mooncup cosy for mine!If you care about yourself and the environment, use a Mooncup.

Jane – 21 March 2010

I started using Mooncup yesterday and I’m impressed. I was a little nervous at first but it inserted easily and I could just forget it was there. I trimmed the stem a little and to be honest I panicked when I thought I’d lost it. But the manual was really helpful and I just relaxed. I’m still getting used to it and it takes me quite some time to insert and remove but it is worth it for the comfort and confidence it has given me. Also,I live with boys so the fewer feminine products clogging up the bathroom cupboard the better. Mooncup is so discreet, user friendly and good for the environment. My advice is put your apprehensions to one side be confident and give it a go.

Jenny – 21 March 2010

I’ve been using Moon Cup since one and half years. First I found uneassy to use it. When I used it regularly I found it very easy and cofortable. I found it very clean so it doesn’t smell bad like pads which is very good to me. When I use moon cup during the period it doesn’t remind me that I am in period. And at the same time it saves Environment too. I recomment my frind to use moon cup.Thank you

Sabita Dhakal, Chitwan, Nepal – 20th March 2010

I’ve been using my mooncup for over four years now and have never used a tampon since I got it. (Think of all the money I’ve saved, never mind the landfill I’v not contributed to!) Can’t recommend it highly enough ;o)

Nancy – 20th March 2010

I’ve just started using a mooncup, I’d been curious about it for some time and was becoming increasingly frustrated with tampons and towels due to leaking and the inconvenience of having to change them often. Despite reading the website I was still quite unsure of what to expect with the mooncup, and I have to say I was a little sceptical – could a product work as well as people claimed it did? Now coming to the end of my first period using my mooncup, I can say that it is probably the best thing I’ve ever bought, and my only regret is having 8 years of periods without it! It was surprisingly easy to get used to using, very comfortable, and I’ve experienced no leaks at all. What I’ve been most surprised about however is how hygienic it feels. I’m somewhat overly hygiene concious and thought I would find it felt ‘dirty’ to some degree, but that was totally wrong, using it feels very clean and the thought of now going back to tampons and towels is what seems dirty and unpleasant to me now! You can tell that this is a product designed by women as it really does cater so well to our needs. I’d never go back now and I’m definitely going to be spreading the word!

lacey – 20 March 2010

I love my mooncup. It is so much more comfortable than tampons, I’ll never go bac. The environmental side appeals,but its the ease and comfort that make the decision to use one a no brainer. I think it too me two cycles to really be comfortable but after the initial nerves passed and I got used to it, the only question I have is why isn’t everyone using this?

Trish – 20 March 2010

So, here’s the thing. My periods start unexpectedly, can be extremely heavy or very light and switch from one to the other within minutes. My mooncup deals with all these things. What it doesn’t do is protect me against my own stupidity. Last night, as I was cooking dinner, I suddenly felt that familiar soaking feeling – I rushed off to the bathroom and, because it was quick and easy, grabbed my mooncup and dived into the shower. As I was inserting it everything started to burn – for a moment I couldn’t work out what was going on, then I remembered what I was doing just before I’d rushed to the bathroom! Dicing chillies – OUCH! The burning eventually went away after an hour or so… But don’t let that put you off, the Mooncup is a wonderful thing when you do it right!

Maria – 19th March 2010

I’ve been using my mooncup for around 4 years and it’s the best protection I’ve ever had. It’s comfortable, I never have to worry about leaks and half the time, I forget I’m even on my period!

Rhiannon – 19 March 2010

I can only agree with all the other wonderful women here- MY MOONCUP IS AWESOME and has changed my perception of my period.
It’s no longer ‘dirty’ and to be thrown into one of the toxic waste bins in the women’s toilets-which need special companies to come and remove them. Instead, I can now see it for exactly what it is, and it looks much ‘cleaner’ when it’s not soaked up into an un-environmentally friendly tampon.

I’ve not had any leaks, and after getting used to insertion and removal, I only wish I’d known about them sooner.

So glad mooncup is having an advertising drive, after the recent ban of the word ‘vagina’ in a tampon ad in the US, it’s fantastic to see the promotion of such a great alternative product here.

If you haven’t already…get your mooncup now 🙂

Rose – 19 March 2010