Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Thought I’d let you know today I bought my second mooncup, after 7 years of service it was time to retire my first one.Considering how long it lasts it’s a really cheap alternative, apart from the obvious environmental benefits. But what I as a young woman liked the best was that no matter how long a trip I was going for all I needed to bring for my periods were one cup.
However I can still remember the first time I tried it, and the panic when I couldn’t get it out. I tell it as a funny story now, and to show the importance of exercising your vaginal muscles, relax and work on that muscle control, and you’ll figure it out in no time.
Thank you for keeping both my consciousness and backpack light 🙂

Elice – 19th April 2015

My periods finished approx 18 months ago and although I used a Menstrual cup for the last 3 years with complete confidence and comfort I just wish I had known about them when I really needed them because I had pains, cramps, clots and flooding for years. All my GP wanted to do was insert a Mirena coil (which I wasnt happy about). The cup was such a Godsend, the clots still occured but were less painful and my period which used to last around 11 days was over in around 5 days (from start to finish). I swam, danced, slept naked and confident, and had a spare in my purse at all times which wasn’t a problem. I holidayed in 3rd world countries and it was amazing. My girlfirend and I have even sponsored an African girls school and sent them 150 cups. This means they can go all the time and we need to give women power. They are completely hygenic, environmentally friendly and cost so much less.

Jasmine – 14th April 2015

Having just decided to stop using my pill (which stopped my periods) dread crept in at the thought of using tampons agains. When a newspaper article caught my eye, Mooncup – never heard of it but the report made me want to know more. I visited the Mooncup website, watched the video & read people’s reviews. I found them so positive & encouraging that the next day I purchased my very own Mooncup with a well if it works it works attitude. Today I have tried it for the first time, early days I know it wanted to share my experience.
After about 5 mins I managed to insert the cup, using the folding methods recommended – I tried both ways (purely as had to try several times to insert it). Once in I coukdnt feel it & my day has passed with no leaks, phew must be in right place. Ok when it has come to emptying & replacing it I have spent longer in the bathroom but it’s first day & new, I guess when I started using tampons I was the same. So far I have to agree with every review I have read, I feel fresh & clean, I don’t itch & haven’t had a headache (something I live with normally when on my period). I’m 40 have no kids but stayed on pill just to not have periods & the hassle of them, now wish had known about the Mooncup earlier I may have had more days like today

Jen – 11th April 2015

Wow!! At age 42 and having had 3 C-sections, I have grumbled for several years about having to have periods. My mom went in menopause at age 58 so I’m probably destined for a late one as well BUT this moon cup has changed my outlook! I have always hated pads. I couldn’t wear tampons because they hurt too much. So- I’ve spent my life abstaining from swimming and doing lots of fun things while on my heavier period days, wistfully watching everyone else have a great time. No more! This is the greatest thing ever!!
I am 42 with three kids but no vaginal births- I’ve always been kind of “small” down there so I tried the B size and it’s worked perfectly. How could this have not been invented 30 years ago??????? So liberating!!

Michelle – 7th April 2015

I’ve honestly had this thing on my eye for a good while now, and just a few weeks ago l got to try it. I am currently 12 but have had this in mind as l wanted to avoid the TSS & chaffing from the disposable products, since l was 11. l participate in a wide range of activities that l don’t think that a tampad can accomodate with. Yes, l’m still a virgin. No, this does not hurt. No, it won’t leak. The Mooncup has worked GREAT for me, and l hope that it does to you too.I would definitely recommend this to any others, regardess of age, to try this product.

Kristal – 7th April 2015

I’m 34 and only wish I’d discovered the mooncup when I was younger! Incredibly easy to use after just a little practice, I did have to trim the stem several times to get a comfortable length and was initially a little worried about changing and cleaning but it’s your body and nothing we haven’t seen before! I no longer have any leaking, worry of leaking or sneaking to the toilet with a tampax hidden up my sleeve! I’m helping the environment, feel better about my health as the mooncup is safe and isn’t bleached as most sanitary products are. I cannot rate this product highly enough if you are thinking about trying the mooncup I urge you to give it a go as with the tiniest bit of practice you will never look back!

Mmjp – 7th April 2015

I cannot recommend the mooncup highly enough! I’ve always had periods which are a little heavy, and I get a few days of bad cramps. Tampons always made my cramps worse, always leaked and I found I had to change them too often to be practical. This left me with pads, which were okay, but uncomfortable, especially in warm weather. I work at a busy restaurant, which means I may be on my feet, running around for 6/7 hours without a break – on my heavy days, using pads was so uncomfortable, I got rashes and just felt unclean. I was always paranoid about leaks, and usually had some overnight. The mooncup has changed all of that! It eases cramps for me, and it is so comfortable – I can’t feel it at all, so much so that I forget I’m on my period sometimes! It’s perfect for my job, as I can leave it in for the duration of a long shift without worrying, and I can tackle all the physical aspects of the job with no restrictions. During the first couple of uses, it can be difficult – my first two tries I had some leaks and could feel it a lot, but by my third period using the mooncup I mastered it. I found I had to fully remove the stem (don’t be afraid to do this if the stem irritates you), and can empty and re-insert the cup in minutes. It’s clean, fast, convenient and is great for the environment, so forget whatever is putting you off buying one – you NEED to try this!!!

Laura – 5th April 2015

I’m 21 years old and just heard about the mooncup. It’s disappointing that tampax and other sanitary products seem to have more marketing material than cups. So, on discovering this product though an article on the internet,I was dubious. If this product is so hygienic, cheap and green; how have I never heard of it before? I did my research and I couldn’t wait to order one. I’ve always had problems with other sanitary products. I found them very irritating, both physically on my skin and how unclean I felt while using them, not to mention the cost and how inconvenient it is having to buy them every month.
However, since using the mooncup I have experienced none of these problems. I’ve felt like I can actually go out and enjoy myself without the worries of leaking etc. While using it I felt totally comfortable and was able to leave it in for the full eight hours without any mess. There is no odor at all, no cramping, and no mess of trying to dispose of stuff discreetly. The most beneficial aspect of the mooncup for me is that I can use it for my light flow without that awful, dry, scratchy feel of the tampon.

The only downfall is that it can be tricky to insert, but I think that is more my problem than the mooncup’s. It can also make some icky noises when removing it. However, cutting off the stem and removing the cup by squeezing it made no sound at all.

I can’t recommend this product enough, it’s saved me money, time, and left my life that little bit less stressful. I no longer dread my period, result!

Thank you so much.

Kay – 29th March 2015

I have been using a mooncup for 2 years now and love it. It stays in place through everyday activities including cycling, tennis and yoga. During my heaviest days it lasts around 6 hours, twice as long as super tampons. Inserting and removing did require practice and is not easy if your fingernails are very long. I also cut the entire stem off the mooncup because it is more comfortable, but it makes removal a bit more difficult. There is a tiny bit of leakage or spotting during heavy days so I now wear a slim cloth pad as backup. Since switching to the mooncup and cloth pads, I have very little discomfort and irritation during my period. No more disposable menstrual products for me!

Rachel – 28th March 2015

I recently bought a Mooncup after hearing it mentioned on a radio phone in about whether sanitary products should be taxed. A lady phoned in saying she used a Mooncup but that was all she said. I decided to look on the Internet to find out what this was as I’d never heard of them. I’ve just turned 50 and am in the throes of peri menopause. When I discoverd what a Moon cup was, I was intrigued to know more. I read as much information as I could including reviews, all of which were singing the Mooncups praises. I decided that I would like to try one for myself as the concept was a ‘no brainier’. I never thought there’d be a day when I couldn’t wait for my period to start so I could try it out. I have now been using the Mooncup for 2 days and I can honestly say it’s a wonderful invention! It is extremely easy to insert and remove (if you’re used to using tampons without the string, you’ll have no trouble). I can’t feel a thing once it’s inside and I could easily forget it’s there. My only gripe is I wish I’d discovered it sooner. I hate to think of the amount of money I’ve spent over the years on sanitary products. I would definitely recommend this product.

Julie – 27th March 2015