Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Like the other women on here I just wanted to say thanks for giving me my life back; being on my period no longer feels like an awful week of discomfort and pain; I honestly forgot i was on my period! not easy to do when you are wearing a sanitary towel; which are so unsanitary compared to this. I can sleep at night and not worry and dont have to carry all the usual tampons and towels in my handbag. I bought it for the environmental benefits and found the lifestyle ones a nice surprise. Thank you for a brilliant invention. Get it in the main stream shops and the tampon will be history!

Charlotte Taylor-Cox – 26th March 2010

Thankyou for this wonderful product. I am so glad I no longer have to soak my bloodstained knickers, pj pants, bed sheets…! What a relief!

Lauren – 26 March 2010

I bought mine about 6 months ago and after trying inserting & removing once, I consigned it to my bathroom cabinet as I found it to be very uncomfortable to do. This month I was ‘caught short’ without any tampons when my period started so decided to give it another go – lubricating with water as per the instruction booklet makes a huge difference as does relaxing & taking your time. When I removed it this time I had no problems (not even spillage, although I did do it over the toilet just in case) as reading some of the tips & testimonials on this site made me feel more confident about the whole thing.
I’m so glad I’ve given it a second chance as we go camping a lot in the summer months but always put it off if it’s that ‘time of the month’, whereas this year armed with my Mooncup & a bottle of water for rinsing I’ll be happy to go at any time.

Unlike some of the ladies who’ve written testimonials I haven’t been lucky enough to notice a reduction in my period pain (really bad for the 1st 2 days) but there are so many good reasons to use a Mooncup – I’m now converted!

Tracey – 26 March 2010

Very impressed with the Mooncup; am now on my sixth period using it. I find that at the start of my period, when flow is very heavy, I still need to use tampons at night, but for the rest of the time it’s supremely comfortable (and the convenience of not having a handbag full of tampons is stellar).
Writing this testimonial here because I’ve already waxed lyrical to friends, and my boyfriend wants me to stop going on about it to him!

Laura – 26 March 2010

One of the greatest inventions for women. Can’t recommend it highly enough. Thank you so much.

Cheryl – 25th March 2010

I’ve used the mooncup for about 6 months now. I bought it because I was getting increasingly concerned about the amount of waste generated by tampons and also because I suffer from vaginal dryness and wondered if it would help.
I was initially a bit suspect of all the positive comments but am now really in favour of the cup and won’t be going back. It’s great just being able to put it in in the morning and forget about it till I get home from work. Went swimming last night with it in and it was fine. It can be a little uncomfortable to take in and out – but only the same as a tampon. It’s helped a little, I think, with the dryness. All round great concept. I think I was put off by the hippy overtones – don’t be. Try it and see if it works for you.

Sue – 25 March 2010

My mooncup is freedom. Thank you the mooncup inventor.

Laura – 25 March 2010

I am now on my second period with my Mooncup and I love it! Being allergic to tampons, I have always had to use pads and I also suffer from very heavy periods so it is lovely to feel clean and comfortable during my period for a change. Although i found it a bit fiddly the first day, I quickly got the hang of it and now I couldn’t be without it! I’ll be recommending this to all my friends…

Carolyn – 24th March 2010

Well, what can i say, Mooncup truly is fantastic!!! I am 27 and Was looking into alternative sanitary product as i suffer from heavy periods and seem to waste money on tampons and pads and generally dont like the idea of filling up landfils with my waste!!!!! I bought a mooncup yesterday on day 1 of my period, took about 3 goes to get it in the right position, used it all day, all night and have had no problems whatsoever!!!!!!!! Day 2 is also going well. I couldn’t believe how well it had worked, no leakage and it is certainly no more messy than a tampon to empty. Will be recommending to all my female friends!! No more tampons or pads for me, thats for sure!! Thank you Mooncup!! : )

Kirsty – 24 March 2010

I’ve had my mooncup for nearly two years now and absolutely love it! It’s so easy to use, and no more worrying about running out of tampons when I’m at work/on a night out/staying at a friends house/at a festival. I only wished I’d had it a few years ago when I was backpacking. I started using it as I kept on getting terrible thrush after each period. The doctor recommended that I went back to using sanitary towels, which I really wasn’t keen on doing. A friend then recommended that I try the mooncup, and since then I’ve never looked back. More than anything, I love the fact that it’s reusable – no more bleached tampons and all the wasteful packaging that comes with it. I’ve told all my female friends about it and have encouraged them to at least buy one to try it out. It’s kind of like marmite, you either love it or hate it.

Amy – 24 March 2010