Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Have been using my mooncup for about 2 years now, have become quite attached to it, almost see it as an extension of my body. Like that it gives me more control of my periods now that the menapause has made them unpredictable.

Eve – 02 April 2010

I started using mooncup for purely environmental reasons and was really hoping it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle. I was so pleased to find out that it is amazing and has so many other benefits!! Granted it did take a little while to get used too and i did keep having to cut the stem down but 2 periods later and i have perfected the technique. I am looking forward to taking it travelling with me and using all that extra space for more clothes instead! Just not sure what to do with the box of tampons and towels i have in the cupboard now!!

Emma – 01 April 2010

I have just used the mooncup for the second month in a row. It is a revelation. When I first heard about the mooncup a few years ago I thought it sounded a bit icky. Now I could kick myself for not buying one earlier. It is so simple to use, I never get the pain I used sometimes when I inserted tampons. For 2 months in a row I have had no leakages. Because I have quite a heavy flow I used to use large tampons, but they often hurt and made my periods more miserable. Now I have no insertion or removal pain. It has saved me money already and no more tampons going into landfill. Tampon manufacturers should by rights, be quaking in their boots at this little invention. I have already got my best friend Grace using one, and I am working on my sister now. Every female should have a mooncup, I cannot get over how good it is. Many thanks.

Caroline – 31 March 2010

I found it hard to believe that the Mooncup could work as well as it claims to. I thought if it was that great then everyone would be using it. Now after trying it myself I cant understand why everyone isn’t using it!! It is really the best thing I’ve bought in years. I works perfectly and is much simpler to use than I ever imagined. The instructions are very thorough and helpful with lots of diagrams and tips on fitting and cleaning your Mooncup. This product really is ideal and MUCH better than traditional tampons as they can leak easily and become uncomfortable to use. It took me a day or two to trust that the Mooncup wouldn’t leak but it never has and I would seriously recommend this to all women. Brilliant product and completely happy with it.

Betty – 31 March 2010

I’ve had an IUS since 2007, so not had a period since then really until this last few weeks.
However, when I was having them, my flow was heavy, clotted and generally constant.

I’ve got through a great deal of Super+ tampons in my time, with the associated flooding that having a heavy period brings, and I always wished for a better way…

So, I looked at Mooncups in Boots when they came out, but at the time, I wasn’t economically able to spend out ~£20 at one time for one.

Now I am more financially stable however, and so took the opportunity of my returning period to purchase one the other week.

It’s fab. Yes, it collects blood, but it’s natural and very mess-free considering, after all the blood is contained rather than falling out all over your hands as you fish about trying to grip and remove a bloodied string! I’m used to deal with far more mess with all the flooding that used to happen as well, so pretty much zero squick-factor from me.

Very easy to use & once I had it settled right, I’d forget I was wearing it.

Carry on carrying on Mooncup, I will be telling all my friends!

Nikki – 30 March 2010

I have had my mooncup now about 5 months and I love it! It was a little tricky to get used to at first but now it is easy and extremely comfortable.I am a student and go on a lot of fieldtrips and the mooncup is SO much better than tampons and towels. I have also been swimming on numerous occassions whilst wearing my mooncup and have found it 100 times better than tampons. Thank you mooncup!

Helen – 29th March 2010

I am the kind of person that forget their own birthday. This is how organised I am. I use to hate periods just because I never had any tampons or hygienic towels in my bag (they break and become quite unusable). So that first day of the month, which I always forget to write down somewhere, I run around asking for anything that would help.
I heard about the mooncup from an eco-friendly friend. I thought this is never going to work because I am not that eco-conscious.
The thing with the mooncup is that, you save money, you do a bit for the environment, but also you can keep it with you and it’s there when you need it. Also, it does keep longer that a towel or tampon, so you don’t have to change so many times a day (and do the old get-up-and-take-your-bag-with-you or worst, get-up-and-slip-a-tampon-in-your-pocket).
To be honest, the mooncup is not a life changer or anything, it’s just that simple idea that makes life and periods a bit easier!

Catherine – 29 March 2010

I have been using a mooncup for 4 years and i wouldn’t be without it. It does make periods so much less of a faff and mine are also shorter. I would recommend it to anyone- the only problem is bringing up the subject. Now I will refer people to this website!

Jo – 29 March 2010

As soon as I heard the mooncup I ordered one straight away, have always felt sooooo guilty about using tampons and the environment! Just trying it out for the first time now, dead comfy, no big deal at all.
Only thing I am disappointed with is how I’ve gone 15 years of periods without ever having heard about the mooncup, that’s half of my period life, such a waste, just wish I’d have known about it sooner!!! Shall be spreading the word… oh and keep up the ad campaign, it’s working!! 🙂

Jo – 29 March 2010

I bought mine about 6 months ago and after trying inserting & removing once, I consigned it to my bathroom cabinet as I found it to be very uncomfortable to do. This month I was ‘caught short’ without any tampons when my period started so decided to give it another go – lubricating with water as per the instruction booklet makes a huge difference as does relaxing & taking your time. When I removed it this time I had no problems (not even spillage, although I did do it over the toilet just in case) as reading some of the tips & testimonials on this site made me feel more confident about the whole thing.
I’m so glad I’ve given it a second chance as we go camping a lot in the summer months but always put it off if it’s that ‘time of the month’, whereas this year armed with my Mooncup & a bottle of water for rinsing I’ll be happy to go at any time.

Unlike some of the ladies who’ve written testimonials I haven’t been lucky enough to notice a reduction in my period pain (really bad for the 1st 2 days) but there are so many good reasons to use a Mooncup – I’m now converted!

Tracey – 26 March 2010