Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have used my mooncup for a few months now and love the freedom it provides me. No more strings dangling and leakages. I do lots of exercise and it is fantastic. I also like the way you can measure the flow. I love my mooncup.

Lizzi – 07 April 2010

I’ve been using a Mooncup for 2.5 years and love it, love it, love it. So comfortable and easy to use, excellent on trips, and totally a money saver. I actually tried another menstrual cup prior to Mooncup and didn’t like how stiff it was (uncomfortable and hard to get correctly situated inside). So then I got a Mooncup, because I had read that it was more “squishy” and it’s perfect. I can’t say enough nice things about it. Thanks for making such a high-quality, healthy product.

Emily – 06 April 2010

I read about the mooncup online a few months ago and gave it a go as it sounded intriguing. It has completely changed my attitude to periods. In short I recommend it to everyone I know. Utterly brilliant. Ok, they are a bit more hands on than tampons but once I realised I never had any leakage it revolutionised my period. I no longer dread them and I don’t have to get out the dodgy pants. Honestly, I would recommend this to any woman. And if you have a problem with the thought – then get over yourself and embrace the wonder that is the mooncup (and if you think it is too icky then think what you’re doing every month with pads and tampons and move on)

rozzy – 06 April 2010

I just used mine for the first time. I had no issues at all. It was easy to insert/remove and clean. I had no leaking. I love it. I trimmed off the pull tab completely because to me that was the most comfortable. I would recommend this product to all ladies out there!!

Heidi Olwell

I just used mine for the first time. I had no issues at all. It was easy to insert/remove and clean. I had no leaking. I love it. I trimmed off the pull tab completely because to me that was the most comfortable. I would recommend this product to all ladies out there!!

Heidi Olwell – 5th April 2010

HiI bought a mooncup recently at Glastonbury from your stall after seeing the ads in the loos. I am amazed! I used to dread that time of the month. I’d get bad pains and dryness that sometimes developed into thrush. I’d tried everything, from bulky towels to organic tampons, but I hated the waste and the hassle. I’ve had none of that with my mooncup! I have to set an alarm on my phone to remind me to check it, because its so comfortable. Ive yet to have a leak. So just to finish, you have one very satisfied customer!

Danielle Fortier – 5th April 2010

Really liked the mooncup, was interested because of the obvious environmental benefits and the expense of tampons. I find it comfortable, I personally like to empty it quite often so I find it more hygenic. I like running and was a bit worried about comfort but its fine. Probably takes a few times to get use to it, but I think all women should have one. Its a bonus all round, I would recommend it to all

Carol – 4th April 2010

How come I had not been aware of this fab product before? I was sick of periods ruling my life but no longer – it copes with my heavy periods, I actually forgot I was on, no bulky towels and tampoons filling up my bag and planning days out around places to go and use the loo!! It is easy to use, no leaks, no odour and comfortable!! I was dispairing at the summer holidays and my bodies ability to ensure I am on at least twice whilst trying to entertain 3 boys – this is no longer a worry – go ahead and try you will not be disappointed and will save yourself a fortune.

Liz – 4th April 2010

changed my life, less painful, less hassle and also making a difference. what more could one ask of what is essentially a monthly inconvenience. get one!!! you will never regret it.

medders – 04 April 2010

I had hesitated for some time before i bought the mooncup, i’ve used tampons from age 14 and it seemed a big change to try something new and so different. I am concerned about our impact on the environment and the amount of sanitary products we dispose of, so that was my main reason for trying the mooncup. On that point alone i feel so much better for switching but all the other benefits that come with it that i never even considered have really impressed me. The money i am saving each month for instance, not having to carry around a make up bag full of tampons, not feeling plugged up, it feels so much more natural and comfortable to wear the mooncup than a tampon. If you are hesitating over the mooncup as i was, just try it. It’s actually very soft, pliable and comfortable to use and you just empty it into the loo, rinse under a tap or wipe and re-fit. I won’t go back to tampons, ever.

June – 04 April 2010