Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have been using the Mooncup for nearly three years now and I am so glad that I finally tried it. I have a retroverted uterus and have had problems with leaking tampons and heavy periods for years. The first two months I tried to use the Mooncup it did leak, because I wasn’t putting it in propertly. But I persisted and I am so happy that I did. Periods come and go without much fuss nowadays. I never leak. I forget that I even have my period! It is the easiest form of sanitary protection available and once you get used to it you will never be able to go back to using tampons/towels again. I was squeamish, like some of my friends still are, when I first heard of the Mooncup. A friend had recommended that I try it at least a year before I finally bought one at a music festival. In July 2010 my mooncup will be three years old and my only wish would be that I could persuade every woman to buy one. I will buy one for my teenage daughter (as soon as she feels ready to try it). Mooncups are amazing. Please believe me. They are so convenient, simple to use and effective. I forgot to mention how much money I have saved. I gave away all my boxes of tampons after the 2nd month and since then I haven’t spent any money on my sanitary protection. They are obviously environmentally sound and it can save you a fortune too! Plus, another bonus is that if you are going on holiday, by plane, train or coach, and you think that your period might be due, you can put the Mooncup in, just in case – so that you don’t have any awkward travel emergencies to deal with. There are so many reasons to use them I could go on for ever. Try it, you won’t regret it, honestly. Women are freer with a mooncup than with a tampon. Treat yourself, and your sisters, mum, friends, daughters… The only regret I have is that I didn’t hear about them years ago.

Julie – 11 April 2010

I bought this just after my last period so I had to wait to use it. I was worried about leakage and will admit that this morning I also used a towel, mostly because I was worried I wouldn’t get it right. I have been so happy with it! No messiness at all! I have heavy periods and hate the summer because I feel unclean and hot and bothered because it’s always on my mind. I have been able to forget about it most of the day and feel great! The reduced stress seems to have also reduced the cramps I normally get which can only be a good thing as I’m not resorting to painkillers.Thank you and keep up the good work!!

Ali – 10th April 2010

I’m so happy that the Mooncup is becoming more mainstream, I started using it two years ago and feel completely liberated and in tune with my body now. I have a very light flow that only lasts 2 days so it took me a couple of cycles to get the hang of inserting and removing it, but by the third I was a pro!
Using tampons used to hurt me a lot and I felt that I was harming my body in some way because of that. Sanitary towels were always out of the question because, lets face it, the flow never quite goes where you want it to with a pad and they are about as comfortable and as restrictive as a nappy!

But the Mooncup is perfect, my periods are no longer “dirty”, smelly, restrictive or a cause of embarrassment; they are a part of me that I embrace as much as I embrace saliva, sex and skincare! A friend of mine called her period her ‘cleansing time’ I think she got it about right.

The only think I would add for new users to check is after using the mooncup, check under the toilet seat. If like me you remove and tip your mooncup in one fluid motion, you may find that a bit of the blood gets under the toilet seat which can be hard for any male flatmates to handle!

Keep spreading the word ladies, women have been punished by tampons and sanitary towels enough, we’re all worth much more kindness, emoptionally and phisically, to our centres of being.

Thank you so much mooncup inventors, you deserve far more recognition for the quality of life you’ve given women. x

Kiri – 10 April 2010

Dear Mooncup people, I’ve been using a Mooncup during my period the last few months after it was recommended by a colleague and it’s great, I will never go back to tampons. Thank you! I work as an exotic dancer and it’s so great not having to worry about tampon strings showing or leaking down the side of a tampon when I’m working. I’ve been raving about the Mooncup to all the other girls but it’s hard to describe it when someone has never seen one before. Could you send me some information leaflets that I could give out?

Ruth – 8th April 2010

I have been using the Mooncup with great success for approximately 2 years now. I suffer with both PCOS and endometriosis, which made my periods challenging in many different ways! My uterus is also slightly retroverted and my cervix differs substantially from most usual positions found.
I struggled a little at first with insertion and especially removal(I do a great line in panicking!).I rang the helpline and quite easily removed it with a a little guidance from the helpful staff. I was a little reticent to use it when my next period came, but decided that £20 spent without at least one more try would be wasteful.

This time was very successful and I am pleased to say that this is the most innovative product I have ever tried. If it is possible to look forward to Aunty Flo’s visit, then this comes as close as it gets! No leaks, less pain and more convenience. Who needs to carry spares when it is already in your body doing it’s job time after time?

Real female staff answer the telephone after a couple of rings. There are no transferring to departments, none of the annoying “press 1 to hear this advice, press 2 to speak to an adviser” etc etc. I had stupidly lost my little protective case and asked where/whether I could buy another. No problems, no hassle, even though my cup is two years old-a replacement arrived very quickly without any fuss or complaint.

Real, old-fashioned customer service from a company that really does seem to care about women and their product. A product that looks set to revolutionise women’s lives forever and for the better.

My friends consistently say “ewwwww” each time I try to convert them, but I’ll give them a few years…I predict this product to become the norm.

Now to get my 14 year old to try one. Now there’s a real challenge!

Elaine – 08 April 2010

I haven’t even used my Mooncup yet and I think it’s fantastic! It arrived in the mail today from the UK. Love the little cotton bag. Can’t wait to use my Mooncup!

Donna, Australia – 08 April 2010

I bought my very first mooncup a few days ago, i was suspicious of whether it would work but behold….it does!
The only thing i would say it that getting it in does take a bit of geting use and it is a little messy on the fingers so it’s not great for public toilets where the taps are outside of the loo.

I read every one elses testimonials before i bought mine and its true, it creates a suction, it all collects in the cup and you can take it out easily without it spilling. So there are no leaks at all!

Lucy – 08 April 2010

i saw the advert for mooncups quite a while ago, and always meant to look into it, as i am very into new products like this, that not only make my period more comfortable, cheaper, and so much easier, but also have a HUGE effect on the planet (if everyone takes notice)but i never realy got round to it. then i came back over here from where i live, and saw an old advert on the back of the door in the cinema, and decided now was the time. i’ve had it for 3 months now, and its amazing! at first i was worried as my periods are very irregular, and when i do get them, they’re very heavy. but it’s been FAB!

katie – 7th April 2010

I have used your mooncup for several months now and I would never go back to regular tampons. The mooncup doesn’t irritate or dry you up like a regular tampon and you never have to worry about running out or buying more. I was nervous about emptying the cup in public, but it isn’t an issue. I find that I empty the cup in the morning when I wake up and I don’t have to empty again until after I come home from work. It is very comfortable and never leaks like tampons do. Plus it’s good to know that you’re not creating waste. Good luck!

Kristin – 7th April 2010

I’m using the cup now for the second month and it’s just great! I don’t feel like I have my period, it gives such freedom and absolutey no waste! It took just a short time tog et used to it, now I wouldn’t be without it – I’m spreading the word to all my friends!

Suzanne – 7th April 2010