Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

The first time I had heard of the mooncup in the feminist society I was pretty much against the idea, despite the clear advantages. I guess alot of women have the same problem, but I was nonetheless pondering the question of getting a mooncup for the next few months. The fact that they can easily be purchased in Boots probably helped alot and so I finally got one. I have always been in harmony with my body and never afraid to use words such as vagina or menstruation. It could not be easier to use and to take care off. I think my vagina is pretty happy to be rid of tampons etc considering I was never a huge fan of thme in the first place. As Catherine Breillat deppicted in her film ‘Anatomy of Hell’, a tampon keeps a woman from coming into contact with her own sexuality of which the period is unavoidably part.I really jsut keep recommending it to every woman, wether they want or not lol.For me it is one of the best inventions of all times.

Morgan – 14 April 2010

I can’t recommend mooncups highly enough. I’ve been using mine for about 5 years now and the thought of going back to tampons and disposable sanitary towels disgusts me. I’ve NEVER had a leak with my mooncup and have happily worn it on the heaviest days with white jeans without fear of staining. Once you get the hang of it, it’s really easy to insert and remove and feels so much more hygienic.

Lara – 14 April 2010

Menstrual cups was something I came across quite by accident one day and after reading, I was curious. Sadly, being in a country where such things are hard to get, it took a while before I finally plucked up the courage on a trip to the UK to buy and try one – I felt like some kind of explorer!
Nonetheless, I have never regretted it. I have been using mine for about 6 months and after getting used to the insertion and removal process, am loving it. I quietly try to introduce others to it, but it’s not easy to do! How often do women talk about the methods they use during periods? It’s a dreadfully personal thing, and I think it is a pity that in a world where everything else seems to be in the open we can’t talk about menstruation.

With the mooncup, I have noticed my periods seem shorter and the advantage of being able to use it even when I am not bleeding is wonderful – if I suspect I am due, I can insert it with no discomfort or concerns – I hated pads for their added volume, while tampons were ok, but I find the idea of using wads of cotton internally on a long term basis rather discomforting.

Yes, the mooncup sometimes means I get a little menstrual blood on my hands and the need to rinse it will not appeal to those who are nervous around blood. But I am a very happy user and would like to see others using it: not only it is healthier, but it benefits the environment too. And the pocket, ultimately!

Vb – 14 April 2010

I’ll confess that I was sceptical at first, since I have lots of trouble inserting tampons due to the shape of my body. Well, I received my Mooncup and after half an hour or so of trial and error I was able to insert it correctly in seconds. Once I trimmed the stem, I couldn’t even feel the cup–I actually checked a couple of times to see if it was still in! I’m on my period right now and it’s been absolutely fantastic so far: no leakage and no annoying towels. And all without the expense of disposable products and environmental damage. Thanks!

Diana – 13th April 2010

I have used the mooncup for two cycles now and I think it’s fantastic. I wish I had had one sooner. I agree with another user that it does look a bit medical and scary and that perhaps making it in different colours would be good. I am telling anyone who will listen how fab it is! I have heavy periods and it has not leaked. Thank you mooncup.

Amanda Wheatland – 13th April 2010

I’ve been using it for over 8 months now and it is amazing. I had seen a sticker in a public toilet a couple of years before and really like the idea, but didn’t make up my mind until my friend told me she got one and it worked perfectly. It is so comfortable you just forget it is there at all, and really easy to insert and remove (after the second attempt I was already an expert. No more dryness, uncomfortable nights or spending a fortune every month. I did have a bit of leaking problems after the first 3 months but sometimes can be a matter of not wearing it low enough. I was surprised by the fact that my periods are less painful now, I still have some pain the first day but I dont’t have to spend it lying on the bed folded and having cramps. It is the best product you can find, it should be advertised n the TV so everyone would know about it.

Lucia – 13th April 2010

I love it. Never before have I looked forward to my period. Saves money, and surprisingly easy to use. No more worrying about how long tampons are in when I’m asleep. Although it makes the boyfriend giggle a little, I can safely say that this is the sexiest bathroom product I have ever owned.

Helen – 13 April 2010

The mooncup is the best thing I have ever bought. It is clean, convenient and you will never have to buy tampons again. It has shortened my period. Every time I use it, it makes me smile as it’s such an ingenious little thing and I feel I am cheating my period! A revolution for women indeed.

Emma Anne Jones – 13 April 2010

When i first heard about the mooncup i never thought i would use one, but after trying it i cant stop telling all my friends about it. I have even shown it to some of my male friends with a detailed explanation of how it works. Needless to say they were a little freaked out but i think they need to be exposed to these things. Its a normal bodily function, nothing to be ashamed of. The best thing is that you dont need to carry round extra tampons and pads. You are always prepared !

Michelle – 13 April 2010

Time to stop dithering and buy one!
I heard about Mooncups a couple of years ago on a parenting forum I belonged too. I was really intrigued by the idea of them but ended up not getting one after dithering over it for a while. I recently saw a sticker in the toilets at my gym which reminded me about them so I visited the website.

I’ve experienced all the usual problems with my periods in the past – heavy, painful, irregular, always getting leaks (so ending up wearing tampons AND a pad all the time). The usual suspects. I also suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome which is worse when I have my period and I’ve always felt was exasperated by wearing tampons. Also, because my periods were unpredictable (sometime really heavy, sometimes light) I always had to have several different absorbencies of tampon at home (bumping up the cost, not to mention the storage room!). This month I’d finally had enough and figured it was worth giving the Mooncup a try, it couldn’t be any worse after all!

All I can say is – WOW! Why oh why did I not buy one of these before? I could have saved myself years of hassle! It’s completely comfortable, easy to get in and out (once you get the hang of it), really easy to clean and best of all I haven’t had a single leak. The first day I wore my Mooncup I had a two hour karate class (something I normally dread when I’m on my period) and it withstood the session (including kicking drills and a 20 minute yoga cool down (lots of stretching and wriggling about) with absolutely no problems. A miracle!

I think the Mooncup has pretty much revolutionised how I think about my period. I’ll never buy another disposable sanitary product again! If you’re still dithering and unsure as to whether it’s for you my advice is to stop dithering and go buy one right now! I tell you, you won’t regret it. The best £20 I’ve spent in a long time. I love my Mooncup!

Marie – 12 April 2010