Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have had my Mooncup for about 6 months now and I cannot believe that I was nearly 40 before knowing about this alternative to tampons! I love it – it takes a couple of cycles to relax with it, but the last few cycles have been so much easier to live with than those of the previous 25 years!!!I have very irregular periods and it’s good that it can be worn before you come on with no ill effect – so I don’t get caught out anymore either.

Dawn – 26 April 2010

I heard about the Mooncup yesterday and I immediately thought that’s for me!So, 24 hours later, I find some shoved into the tiniest gap in boots.
So far, I’m still trying to get the hang of removing it right because I’m not releasing the suction properly and sometimes and it hurts, but other than that its amazing!
Also this solves my problem of my school trip to the Ardèche in a few months time. We’ve got to do rock climbing, canoeing, swimming, abseiling and other activities that I wouldn’t even dream of doing whilst I’m on my period. This will make it so much easier as well as the fact that I don’t have to carry tampons around with me everywhere! From the limited time I’ve had my mooncup, I would already recommend it.

Kacy – 25 April 2010

This is a fantastic invention!! I’ve used it for two cycles now and am very impressed with it. I feel clean and fresh for the duration of my period. I have used it to swim, play sport and overnight even on the heavy days of my cycle. I highly recommend it and will never use another tampon again!!!

Emma – 24th April 2010

I bought one of these last week, after all the stuff online, and I have to say I can’t think of any other new product that has been such a positive experience. I knew this would change the way I deal with periods after just a couple of hours: I feel totally secure, and am no longer rushing to the loo obsessively every couple of hours, to check for leakage. Really, really impressed, and wish I’d discovered this years ago.

Caroline – 24 April 2010

After seeing the product advertised at a recent camp, I bought it in Boots as a more eco-friendly way of dealing with my period. I am just reaching the end of day 1 and it’s been really good! I’ve found it easy to use, clean and actually I have had to remind myself it’s there on occasion. It’s so great that I just had to stop myself from writing ‘Laura is in love with mooncup’ on my facebook page (lol). Brilliant product. Thank you!

Laura – 23rd April 2010

I’ve been using my mooncup for a year and a half now and am very pleased with it. My period is extremely heavy so for the first couple of days I wear a pad as well just in case – or I just make sure I empty it more often. However, for the rest of my period the cup really is fantastic- I can leave it in for a long time and completely forget I’m on my period, with no leaks at all. My top tip would be to change it in the shower – much less messy and feels really clean, and you can give it a blast with the high pressure setting to give it a good rinse. I definitely will not go back to tampons again.

Annie – 23 April 2010

Its great!! i have been using mu mooncup for 4 months now and this month i was early, i didnt have my cup when i went out, so had to use my spare towel i keep in my bag. I had forgotten how uncomfortable and icky it feels when not using the mooncup. i will always use it from now on….i feel much cleaner and comfortable especially at night. its the best 20 i have spent in a long time. THANK YOU

Alexandra – 22nd April 2010

I’ve been using the Mooncup for a few months now, and I love it. I did have quite a few problems with it at first, mainly with removal – I panicked a few times that I wouldn’t be able to get it out again! But with helpful advice from Cathy, the Mooncup nurse, and learning the methods that worked for me (and cutting the stem off completely once I’d made sure I had a reliable removal method), I’ve now cracked it!
It’s so convenient – I keep it in my handbag when the time for my period approaches, and there’s no faffing about buying tampons (great as I’m on a budget), putting them in your bag, hiding them when you go to the loo, worrying how long they’ve been in, whether you remembered to remove the last one before inserting the next if your mind’s a bit elsewhere as mine often is, worrying about leaks blah blah. Just remove the Mooncup, pour away the blood, quick rinse and re-insert.

I can’t feel it at all once it’s in, it’s fantastic for swimming (no more soggy tampons) and I feel so much healthier and more in touch with my body.

I look forward to many happy Mooncup-using years!

Claire – 22 April 2010

I saw a post on the testimonals, saying that the testimonials must be fake because they are all so positive. The reality I think is that lots of women (perhaps not all) have had really good experiences using a mooncup. I can probably only speak for myself, but I have never felt so confident and comfortable on my period. I must admit it was a bit tricky at first… I had a number of times when I felt frustrated.. I couldn’t get it to work.. I went back to towels.. but then I tried a different fold method (the second one on the leaflet) and success! I ended up cutting off the whole of the stem, as for me it seemed to.. uh rub in all the wrong places.. but now a few years on. I’m really happy with it. I recently got back from travelling, and it was super easy to take it with me and not worry about buying pad’s or tampons. I guess women will make up their own minds, but I really think it’s worth a try, and then perhaps another try a few months later (that’s how it happened for me) and now I love my mooncup.

Lara – 22 April 2010

You never really know how good a product is untill you use it. I agree with a previous customer that after my second baby, I found that I could always feel my tampon and was very uncomfortable. Not to mention, I have always experienced leakage with tampons. However, this is my first month trying the mooncup and can not believe something so wonderful existed. I had to cut the whole stem off, but it is still quite easy to remove. No leaking, so comfortable I forget it is there, and feels so much healthier. I will be working to convert all my friends. I will NEVER wear a tampon again. Thank you so much. A satisfied customer from the states.

Julie – 21st April 2010