Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I bought my mooncup about a month ago. I was using microgynon and having a period every 9 weeks by choice. However I decided to get the implanon and it can make periods irregular, and I hate having to worry about not knowing how heavy/light I’m going to be, and whether I’m going to leak or not, what underwear to put on, whether pads will be uncomfortable in certain pants – it’s really limiting! I actually heard about mooncup on youtube from a video saying how gross it sounds – so naturally I read up about it and decided to buy one. It arrived quickly and I read the instructions and had a practice. It took me a few tries to get it in right, I couldn’t get it up far enough without it pinging open and it hurt! But I got used to putting it in, washed it and put it away. I came on yesterday (at the most inconvenient of times, naturally) and grabbed my little mooncup pouch and went to the bathroom. I’d already boiled it that morning as I knew I was due on in the next day or so. I just popped it right in and went back to bed with my boyfriend. It was great, didn’t leak at all. I’m on my second day and used it overnight and can safely say that I will NEVER use any other form of sanitary product again. I just have to make sure that the suction is right, otherwise it pings open 5 minutes later and gives me a nasty shock, but I’ve figured out how to do that now. I love my mooncup!

Rach, 19 – 09 May 2010

I can’t use tampons as I have a tipped womb and a mild prolapse so they don’t fit and tend to cause ‘erosions’. And after having minor surgery on my cervix after a dodgy smear test, I just wasn’t wasn’t prepared to risk them again. Unfortunately I also have endometriosis and have frequent, heavy, prolonged periods accompanied by massive clots. After a few days of wearing pads I would end up terribly sore and was begining to get desparate. The final straw was when I suddenly (why is always in a supermarket??) discovered the meaning of the word ‘flooding’. I really didn’t want a hysterectomy, and in any case perhaps the flooding was a sign that menopause might be on the way – only a few more years of losing one week in three…When I heard about the Mooncup, I didn’t stop to think, I just ordered it! It was an international delivery but it only took 5 days to arrive. It took a few days to get the hang of using it. The first time I accidentally let go too early and it popped into place and formed a seal too low down and I tried to push it up into it’s proper place. BIG mistake – I was sore for hours!! Always release the seal if that happens! I had to empty the cup every three hours or so the first day, and it was a terrific mess as I was filling it to the very top so if I pulled it out by pinching the bottom of the cup it would overflow. The little stem would be better if had a few more ridges on it for easy grasping on ‘heavy’ days. On lighter days it doesn’t matter as you can just grab the base and it won’t overflow. I found I had to go into the bathroom armed with kitchen roll conveniently placed to put the cup down on and a wad of paper to catch the overflow, but after the first couple of days it’s no problem. Night time is usually a disaster, but with the mooncup I just went to bed a bit later than usual and wore a ‘night-time’ pad for when the cup overfilled and managed to get nearly a whole night’s sleep. I’m a total convert!! Once I got the hang of putting the thing in and out without hurting myself (there is a knack – you need to relax and practice!) I could totally relax. For the first two days I wear a pad for extra security, but now it’s a washable one as I don’t seem to really need it so don’t want to waste a disposable. I’d love to be able to sterilise it in a microwave so I can’t accidentally boil it dry. Any chance of some instructions on how to do it? Also, can you send me some leaflets and stickers, some in English and some in Portuguese, please?

Mercedes – 8th May 2010

I have very sensitive skin and am allergic to certain chemicals in bleached cotton so every time i used tampons I would get very sore and irritated. I heard about the mooncup and got one soon after, i had worries about it being uncomfortable, leaking, or it being difficult to insert and remove but after the first few days of using it i realised how great it was. Its comfortable and I forget its even there, something i could never do with tampons. Yes, its a bit tricky to get used to inserting and a little scary the first time you use it, but once you get over that you’ll realise how amazing the mooncup is!

Liz – 08 May 2010

I had wanted a mooncup for a while, but had only read the online testimonials and didn’t feel like I could quite take the plunge just in case the ick-factor was too much to handle. But then a friend told me how using a mooncup had changed her life, and that actually she found it less disgusting than using tampons. So I went out and bought one and it has been FANTASTIC. I’ll never go back. No leakage problems like I sometimes had with tampons and a much more manageable and comfortable period and no unattractive string. My mum has since bought one and is really happy with it, too. Everyone should get one. Seriously.

Alex, London – 08 May 2010

I’ve been using the Mooncup a few months now, and I would never go back. Found it easy to insert the first go (you just squeeze it up with your pelvic floor muscles and it fits into place). Once I had cut the whole tail off (I just squeeze it down and grab hold of the base of the cup) it was so comfy I could just forget it was there. I’d read some other testimonials saying that their periods had become shorter, I didn’t see how this could be, but the same has happened to me. I used to continue to get a dark discharge for a couple of days after bleeding, but now it’s a clean finish after just a few days. Brilliant product, highly recommended.

Jo – 07 May 2010

Well I wasn’t too sure about using this product even after reading all the other comments however I am soooo glad I bought it!! I took to it straight away and had no problems at all! It is invisible, comfortable, convenient…what more could a girl ask for eh! I wish I had found out about these years ago! More advertising required to promote this product! A+

Judy – 5th May 2010

La mooncup es lo mejor que me he comprado en mucho tiempo. La regla dura menos, es fantastica! ya no tengo que ir al bao con un tampn en la mano, slo la vacio y listo! Mi vida a mejorado en el periodo menstrual muchsimo hace 6 meses que la uso y se la recomiendo a todo el mundo! Solo tiene beneficios!

Sofia – 5th May 2010

Wow, what a genius to invent such a great thing!!!!Having repeatedly gone to my Gp for thrush, itching and rashes after every period, the nurse told me to check out websites for alternatives to tampons and pads, and what did i find??? this Mooncup site (Divacup in the usa). I was curious to see what they had to offer, read up on all the does and don’ts and decided to buy one. Having looked into all the stores in my town only Boots seemed to sell them, and they were hidden on the bottom shelf. I bought one just to try, after all i had nothing to lose………… the result, my second day of my period i was brave enough to try, plus its my d/o, not doing anything and thought why not, read the leaflet inside and out. I popped it straight in, and walked around the house, found it was really painful, took it out and trimmed it, tried again, this time felt ok, could’nt feel it. Was sat waiting for leaks and left a liner on just incase, I went for a wee and decided to take it to see, so followed the instructions again, it came out really easy and went back in easy too, I was amazed at that first sight of so much blood, but was even more amazed that all you have to do is empty it in the loo and rinse it out and pop it back in. It is so easy to use, cant feel it, no leaks. I am amazed. I didnt really think it was messy either. So girls/lady’s you have to try it, it is that easy to use.

Jayne – 05 May 2010

I have been using mine for the 2nd day and and love it, its fantastic, Im telling all my female friends about it.

Lorraine – 3rd May 2010

Two years on and I still love, Love, LOVE my mooncup ^_^

Hellzy – 03 May 2010