Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

When I first learned about the Mooncup I was really intrigued because I hate buying products every month, don’t like what they do to the environment and simply do not think that they are effective or healthy for my body. When my Mooncup finally arrived I was very apprehensive about how large it looked and I really couldn’t imagine how my experience with this product could be completely positive. Finally, I plucked up the courage and tried it out. I was successful the very first time and after trimming the stem twice I am absolutely amazed. This is hands down the best purchase I have ever made, being a woman has just become at least ten times more pleasant. Thank you so much for making this product and helping people learn that the traditional way of doing things just isn’t always the best, alternative options need attention!

Jessica – 14th May 2010

I wasn’t sure about the mooncup at all before I tried it. I have very bad period pains and have never been able to use tampons. I decided to try it when I went to Kenya for three months (where disposal of waste is an issue). It took a month or two to get used to it but now I LOVE my mooncup. It reduces the severity of the pain and works out so much cheaper. also, I can go swimming now, whatever time of the month it is! Great!One pointer. Skinny fit jeans are a bit restrictive around the legs when trying to get a good angle to ’empty’.

Louise – 14 May 2010

I was so excited to try this product but was disappointed. I found it too big to fit inside myself, and despite trying every period for several months it never got easier to put in or less painful when trying to take it out. I also found the tubing used to pull the mooncup out created soreness. Unfortunately I had to give up and go back to tampons and pads. Is there a possibility of doing a ‘slimmer fit’ version?

Maxine – 13th May 2010

I am 17 and after reading a great deal about menstrual cups online I decided to go ahead and buy my first one. My Mum was skeptical and not entirely supportive but I was keen to give it a go!However, I even surprised myself with how easy it was, I inserted it (for the first time) during a commercial break on tv! It’s so much more comfortable than pads or tampons and I feel so much freer, no longer do I need to lug around endless supplies, I can just use it and reuse it. I love it already and I’ve only had it for about 12 hours!

Sarah – 13 May 2010

I’m definitely a convert. I had some problems with leakage the first month but I realised in the second month that it was due to the fact that I have to use the second method of insertion and so it won’t unfold by itself. I also had some problems getting it out again the first few times – it sits quite low when I first insert but then moves upwards once it’s been in for a while so I’d cut the stem a bit short. Bizarrely I’ve found that I can get it out quite easily if I squat and use my left hand!Once you get over the teething problems the Mooncup is a revelation. Last month I was going out for the evening and thought I was about to come on. Normally I’d spend the whole evening running to the loo every ten minutes because I thought I’d come on but this time I just put my mooncup in before I went out and forgot about it. That period was also pretty heavy and normally I’d have ruined several pairs of knickers and my sheets, but with the mooncup there were no problems at all. Normally my heavy periods are pretty painful but this one wasn’t too bad – it might be a psychological thing that I wasn’t having to constantly think about being on my period. I also love that I can keep using it until I’m sure my period has ended – mine have a tendency to stop for a whole day and then start again with a vengeance which has resulted in some embarrassing moments.
I really can’t recommend the Mooncup enough. I normally dread my periods but this month I was almost looking forward to it.

Alison – 13 May 2010

A friend told me about the Mooncup, I must admit, I wasn’t convinced at first! I did a search on the internet and after reading the information on the Mooncup website I decided to give it a try. The next day I bought one went home and tried it, I can’t believe how wonderful it is, it’s so easy to use and absolutley brilliant, I wish I’d of known about it years ago, periods wont be so much of a miserable time of the month now as you actually forget that you’re having one!!!I will be telling as many people as possible! Thankyou so much!

Angie – 10th May 2010

I was only told about Mooncup last year, and I am so fustrated that I was never informed about it earlier! I’m only 20, but I’ve had periods for 10 years now, and when I think about all the awful experiences I’ve had with other sanitary products, my life would have been so much more simple with my lovely Mooncup.
It may sound a bit farfetched, but I think Mooncups should be put forward as an option to girls at school, in the same way that girls are given towel and tampon samples during PSHE&C lessons they should at least provide the never ending list of benefits a Mooncup can have.

How would one go about making this change? It is something I am passionate about doing as I feel it really is a revolutionary to female-kind.

Kelly – 10 May 2010

when i think of life before mooncup, i am overwhelmed with misery. my whole life was spent dreading that awful time-of-the-month. but now, i look forward to it knowing mooncup is there to protect me. I am proud to say that my period is now my favourite time of the month. I celebrate every time it comes!! my mooncup is my best friend, and i will love it forever.

ruby – 9th May 2010

I LOVE IT! I have just tried the mooncup for the first time and cannot believe and easy and comfortable it is. They should be on the shelves in boots and superdrug! Im going to spread the word! Thanks!

Charlotte – 9th May 2010

Just got mine yesterday and started using it and am very happy. It was a bit tricky to start with, I had problems keeping it folded while trying to insert it, but it’s quite quick to get the hang of it. Once I trimmed the stem sufficiently it was amazingly comfortable. Putting it in is a little uncomfortable, the girth even of it folded is larger than most tampons I use, but it’s kinda like “Ow, ow, ahh can’t feel it at all!”, and once you’ve done that a few times it gets less uncomfortable. With tampons I can usually feel them inside and have trouble getting them in the right place, but I can completely forget this is in.
I had a lot of problems with leaks with tampons as well, but I haven’t had any with this at all, not even any worries about it. Swimming is a lot more worry free now as well.
The other thing I love about it is that I can change it as often as I like, I know most people are joyous over not having to change it very often, but I quite like being able to take it out, empty it and pop it back in as often as I like, without having to worry about whether I have enough tampons to get away with doing that, it makes me feel more secure about leaks and such.
Have just slept in it last night and for once didn’t wake up repeatedly worrying if I’d leaked all over the sheets. So happy. ^_^

Flik – 09 May 2010