

I bought one of these after seeibg a few adverts online and was curious so i had a good look at thew ebsite and faqs and it sounded great. My periods are very light of late and this has been super annoying as I don’t get on with sanitary towels, I get thrush, and I’m too light to use tampons for the recommended time at the moment. Anyway, the mooncup is easy to insert because it’s mega squishy and once it’s in I can’t feel it. I had a practice go after a bath a few days prior so I was familiar with it as well. Best part is feeling clean and fresh like I’d used a tampon but none of that horrible feeling removing it. Mooncup is no more difficult or messy than a non applicator tampon and far more comfortable! Wish I’d discovered it sooner!!

angela – 28th November 2015

I’m so sad, since I got my Mooncup I had to forget about all my favourite hobbies:
– worrying about leakage
– feeling unclean and worrying about odour
– spending money on sanitary products
– remembering to take them if I stay over somewhere
– finding ways to dispose of towels
– polluting the environment
– always half thinking about when/where the nearest bathroom will be
– feeling like I want to shower 5 times a day
– enjoying the physical discomfort of tampons and towels

Took less time to get the hang of it than I expected, and now I have, it’s like I don’t even notice my period has come and gone because it was so easy. You spend 2 minutes emptying it and then don’t feel like you’re on your period for the next 8 hours.

I am free!

I hope there is a campaign to get these out to women in need, I would support it 100%.

Kate – 12th November 2015

Mooncups are so simple, effective and clean they make tampons and pads seem a bit antiquated by comparison! No more leaks, no more worrying about funny smells, no more itchy, sticky yuckiness on hot days, no more dryness and irritation, no more feeling gross and dirty down there, no more waste going in to land fill! One of the best things I have bought for myself.

Ann – 9th July 2015

the first time you have to insert it will be a little tricky, especially if you are nervous as I was! you don’t want to cut the stem the first 2 -3 times, or you’ll have a panic attack as I did when I “couldn’t find it” and just hurt yourself. Just take your time, the mooncup will find her way inside your body, and then all your periods will be a walk in the park. This has been my second month and I couldn’t be happier, you can’t feel it, you can exercise, work , do anything you like with that magical clean sensation and don’t have to worry about forgotten tampons, change the smelly things, always feeling wet and uncomfortable. Just forget about those days!!

Simona – 26th June 2015

After suffering with increasingly heavy periods and pain that was getting worse year on year I was getting very tired of ‘standard’ sanitary products – a super plus tampon would only last 45 minutes at the most for the worst day of my period and I found myself getting yeast infections every couple of months. The bulk and sometimes weird smell that accompanies pads meant that they were also off-putting for me.
After seeing a Mooncup sticker inside a toilet door at university and seeing on the website that its capacity was more than that of the most absorbent tampons, I decided to give it a try. I wish someone had told me about this years ago and it could have saved me a hundred periods of misery!

It takes a little getting used to at first – I obviously wasn’t getting the seal right during my first period with it and it kept creeping further and further up which lead to lots of leaks and trying to fish it out was a bit of a nightmare. As I had to do with tampons a decade ago, however, I persevered and eventually got it right! Making sure the holes aren’t blocked, turning it, inserting it as low as possible and particularly giving the stem (which I shortened as much as possible) a little tug downwards once it’s inserted and opened all seem to help with forming a seal and since then, I experience next to no leaks even with my nightmare periods overnight when I only have to wear a thin pantyliner in case I really exceed its capacity during a long sleep.

I have found my cramps and pain to be much less severe than they were using tampons and I haven’t had a single yeast infection in the year I’ve been using the Mooncup. Between these benefits for my health, for my wallet, the environment and the fact that you can’t feel it when inserted properly (I used to hate it when my tampon slipped further down and it would irritate my nether regions!), the Mooncup has been a complete lifesaver.

Something you don’t realise as well until you experience it – I no longer have the panic of realising I have no sanitary products in my bag or jacket – I can pop into the loos with it in and not have to worry about taking things with me. No more running home from lectures to fill my bag with bulky super plus tampons, no more worrying on nights out that I’m going to be leaking within half an hour and don’t have anything with me. It’s been the best decision I have made for my health and sanity coping with my horrendous periods and I espouse its merits to anyone who will listen!

It’s about time we expand puberty and sex education in schools to let girls know that there are other options out there. It would have saved me so much money, time and distress over the years! Thank you Mooncup!

Meg – 18th June 2015

Having just decided to stop using my pill (which stopped my periods) dread crept in at the thought of using tampons agains. When a newspaper article caught my eye, Mooncup – never heard of it but the report made me want to know more. I visited the Mooncup website, watched the video & read people’s reviews. I found them so positive & encouraging that the next day I purchased my very own Mooncup with a well if it works it works attitude. Today I have tried it for the first time, early days I know it wanted to share my experience.
After about 5 mins I managed to insert the cup, using the folding methods recommended – I tried both ways (purely as had to try several times to insert it). Once in I coukdnt feel it & my day has passed with no leaks, phew must be in right place. Ok when it has come to emptying & replacing it I have spent longer in the bathroom but it’s first day & new, I guess when I started using tampons I was the same. So far I have to agree with every review I have read, I feel fresh & clean, I don’t itch & haven’t had a headache (something I live with normally when on my period). I’m 40 have no kids but stayed on pill just to not have periods & the hassle of them, now wish had known about the Mooncup earlier I may have had more days like today

Jen – 11th April 2015

I’m 21 years old and just heard about the mooncup. It’s disappointing that tampax and other sanitary products seem to have more marketing material than cups. So, on discovering this product though an article on the internet,I was dubious. If this product is so hygienic, cheap and green; how have I never heard of it before? I did my research and I couldn’t wait to order one. I’ve always had problems with other sanitary products. I found them very irritating, both physically on my skin and how unclean I felt while using them, not to mention the cost and how inconvenient it is having to buy them every month.
However, since using the mooncup I have experienced none of these problems. I’ve felt like I can actually go out and enjoy myself without the worries of leaking etc. While using it I felt totally comfortable and was able to leave it in for the full eight hours without any mess. There is no odor at all, no cramping, and no mess of trying to dispose of stuff discreetly. The most beneficial aspect of the mooncup for me is that I can use it for my light flow without that awful, dry, scratchy feel of the tampon.

The only downfall is that it can be tricky to insert, but I think that is more my problem than the mooncup’s. It can also make some icky noises when removing it. However, cutting off the stem and removing the cup by squeezing it made no sound at all.

I can’t recommend this product enough, it’s saved me money, time, and left my life that little bit less stressful. I no longer dread my period, result!

Thank you so much.

Kay – 29th March 2015

I LOVE IT!! My periods before having children where just hideous. I could easily spend £20 and more on pads and tampons in one period. It was a real down moment. My bag just seemed to consist of sanitary products. In the end I stayed in. I then found the Mooncup through an online forum. I read about it and read all the benefits it could have for me. It hasnt let me down. I have two children since I got my first mooncup and I wouldnt live without it. No smells, no leaking, no fear of going out and no more sanitary hang bag. It has helped me so much. My flow is lighter, im in less pain and I feel so much more confident. Ill sing the praises of my Mooncup to all my lady friends. Thank you!!

Lucy – 12th March 2015

It doesn’t smell. It doesn’t leak. You can wear whatever underwear you want (or none at all!). It doesn’t dry you out. It doesn’t leave fibres inside you. You don’t have to deal with it every time you go to the toilet. It can cope with clots. You don’t have to buy more and more every month. There’s no gross string hanging out of you. You don’t have to throw it away and feel guilty about the waste. It doesn’t feel like a nappy. You can measure your period so you know if something unusual happens. It doesn’t come wrapped up in pointless, wasteful packaging. You don’t have to carry loads of supplies around with you.
I feel free.

I did find insertion and removal a bit difficult to start with, but after sticking with it for a couple of days I soon got into the swing of it.

It saves me money, it saves me hassle and it’s comfortable. What more could I ask for?

liz – 9th March 2015

I started using my moon cup this week. Ladies, if you don’t know this product and are still using tampons and pads, I beg you to check it out! It is unbelievably fantastic!!
I never felt so comfortable during my period. No itchiness, no dryness, no leakage, no odour, no waste!! I feel much safer and healthier and in touch with myself. I can move around, I can go into the water for a bath or a swim, I enjoy being close with my boyfriend. And even the pain wasn’t as bad as usual this month.

It took me some time to give it a try because it was unfamiliar to me. I learned about it online and didn’t know anybody in person who was using a menstrual cup. I usually dread my period because I have very bad menstrual cramps and mood swings and the disposable sanitary products dry me out. I’m used to feeling just awful for several days and suffering from itches after each period.

I absolutely hate tampons, they always gave me pain. The fact that the moon cup is inserted into the vagina as is the tampon put me off for some time. I imagined inserting it as painful because of my experience with tampons and the size of the moon cup looked intimidating.

With finally mustering up the courage and giving the moon cup a try, I got the hang of it much quicker than I had expected. It doesn’t feel like a tampon at all, in fact, I find it much easier to insert despite the bigger size. Once it’s in, I barely feel it at all. There’s no burning sensation or uncomfortable itching, it smoothly slides in and sits comfortably low. It doesn’t feel like an intruding object at all.

I can officially state that I’m never going back!! I feel so ridiculously more comfortable and happy, I already lost a bit of my fear regarding my period after using it for only 4 days! Even my boyfriend is fond of it and notices that I’m much happier with it. I showed him the moon cup and dared to really talk about my period with him, I kinda lost a lot of my shame.

I think this product is simply genius. There’s only pros, all the way. Thank you, moon cup!! 😀

Anna – 4th March 2015