Mooncup's Advice Service

Mooncup's Advice Service

At first, I was sceptical at the idea of using a mooncup, as I have always had heavy periods, and was paranoid about leaking or having to empty it often. I have never been so glad to be so wrong! It is so easy to insert, and so much more comfortable to wear! It’s also really liberating to see how much blood you really use, which really isn’t all that much! I have been using for 8 months now, and have saved almost €60 on tampons etc! I had a slight mishap with an unusual mark on my cup recently, and the team very kindly sent me a replacement cup. An excellent company, I cannot recommend mooncup enough! 🙂

Pauline – 4th March 2017

I am so happy with my Mooncup! To all your girls out there who never used tampons I can tell you using the Mooncup is not scary. I used a tampon once and hated it. The feeling was horrible, the placement wasn’t comfortable and it just didn’t feel right. I “test drove” the Mooncup for one day and actually forgot I was wearing it. I urge you all to at least try it, the placement and insertion/removal might take a bit of getting used to but it is very easy and you can’t feel it. It is kind of like a contact you know it is there but eventually you get used to it and I completely forgot about it after a couple hours.

Also if you are having problems or worried the people you can contact via email are wonderful and so understanding. They put you at ease and make you feel so comfortable.

Mooncup is brilliant!

Jean- 30th September 2016

I’ve just purchased my second ever mooncup. My first was about 8 years old so it has done a wonderful job! I honestly thought I’d never get the hang of using it, I really worried that I wasn’t doing it right but it’s just a matter of trimming the stem(for me, removing almost completely) and practising.Now, I love it and I am never going to buy another tampon again. I donated my “sanitary supplies” (funny that they are called that when they are anything but sanitary!) to a hospital ward and a women’s shelter. I have saved hundreds of pounds over the years and yes, the planet too.We need to start talking about this openly, I have plucked up the courage to discuss it with friends.

my daughter is 10 and she has asked about her options period wise. school only ever mentioned pads or tampons but she really wants to use a mooncup and I will buy her one to try. I hope she gets on with it, but time will tell. I could buy some washable pads just in case but I want her to be comfortable with her body and not see it as a dirty process.

If you’re reading this and you’re struggling with your mooncup: RELAX you will get the hang of it.
REMEMBER how long it took you when you learnt how to use a tampon or anything else in life
RING the lovely helpline ladies, they are wonderful
REJOICE when you’ve mastered it, now you can help others!

Helen – 28th April 2015

This thing is a godsend..but it wasn’t at the beginning!
I have been using my moon cup for half a year now during the age of 16 going on 17.

As I am younger then the mooncup took some getting use to and I admittedly had a few problems. Mainly to do with inserting the cup to begin with (which took practice) and taking it out was at the beginning excruciating.

It was suggested that squatting helps to remove the cup but I found it less painful when removing it when on the toilet.

So my experience wasn’t a good one. However I didn’t want to give up, I emailed about this for help and watched a few Youtube videos for advice and I can now safely say that I am using my mooncup pain free and that I will never go back to using tampons or pads 🙂

If you have any difficulties PLEASE contact Mooncup as when you’ve got the right technique you’ll never want to go back to your old habits!

Zoe – 23rd April 2015

I have been using mooncup for 3 years and it makes my heavy periods more bearable. It took me a long time of trial and error to work out where I should wear it as I suffered a lot of leakage. Mooncup advisers were helpful in giving me pointers about how to solve this. I worked out I needed to cut the stem off altogether as it irritated me and wear it lower than I thought. During my period my cervix drops very low so wearing it low works. When I tried to wear it higher I just soaked my pads as usual. Now I am suffering inbetween period bleeding and having the mooncup is helping so much to cope with this, also I have been to see the doctor about this which is important. I am nearly 40 and have had 3 children so I wear the larger size. I would like my daughter to use this product when she is comfortable instead of tampons, she has just started her period and I hope my experience will save her from years of discomfort. After years of using tampons and pads only experiencing the discomfort of heavy tampons or dry tampons when my flow tailed off. I use the mooncup and pads now and use less pads during my cycle and feel much better even on my heaviest days. I can also plan my life around the heaviest days more easily.

Vi – 6th February 2015

I’ve been a dedicated Mooncup user for a number of years, and like others here I couldn’t be more pleased that I found Mooncup. Recently I started to experience some leakage on the heaviest day of my period when using my Mooncup, so contacted the advice line about this. The advice got was helpful, timely and considerate. I was impressed how seriously the company take helping Mooncup users out and would encourage others if they are not sure just to drop them a line and ask. Thanks Mooncup!

Ginny – 7th January 2015

Bought my Mooncup over a year ago and the condition is still as new. I use the bicarbonate of soda + damp flannel technique to rub off any staining and sanitise it for the next use. When I first purchased it in March 2013, it took about 2 or 3 cycles to get used to using it, mainly removing it. I wrote to the Mooncup Team and they were very helpful and speedily wrote me a reply with some advice, so I started partially folding the Mooncup when removing it. Now I don’t need to do that all and use the wiggle side-to-side technique. I’m also way more relaxed when removing it and have no issues at all. I exercise and go about my business without having to worry about any leaks or anything. I’m now like many women (and girls) who ‘love’ their Mooncup, although I haven’t named it anything as I think ‘Mooncup’ is the perfect name for it. Like so many others, I wish I’d known about this little gem when I had my first cycle. I reckon Mooncup / menstrual cups should be included on the sexual health curriculum. I think everyone should have the right information to make the right choices for themselves. Lisa E.
Aged 30

Lisa E. – 12th September 2014

I have been using the MoonCup for about five months now. For me, it is fab. I had a lot of problems with basically drying out and forgetting to change tampons ( and getting bored having to do it all the time – im lazy lol). It doesn’t stop my cramps but it does make life easier. No problem leaving it for longer. I had no real problems with changingetc, it does take time to get use to but then so do tampons right? Try it, it is great. And no having to remember to buy tampons.
Also thanks to the Mooncup team, who sent me a new cup when I got the wrong size!!

Rachael – 10th December 2012

I saw an article in a magazine about mooncup about 5 years ago and had a look at them in my local Boots and disregarded the whole notion as something a bit ‘new agey’ but recently I began to reconsider my whole attitude when I was changing my highest absorbency sanitary towels every hour on days 1-3 I thought ‘what am I doing there has got to be a better way’ and then I thought back to mooncup, took the plunge after getting some advice from this very site’s advisors regarding sizing etc, which was followed up by some VERY useful advice that expanded on the leaflet that came with mooncup. This is my first period of using it, it is day 1 I have worn it overnight and during a 45 minute fitness class when I would usually have had to wear a tampon which was never the right absorbency with too little or too much particularly the day before you start ‘proper’ but you need something in or on. I had practised a couple of times before starting and was just waiting for the event to give it a go (strangely enough I was kind of looking forward to my period which has NEVER happened) Anyway the point of all this babbling is I am just wearing the mooncup no towels or liners. I LOVE IT! I am a total convert no leaking, you forget it’s there, no getting up in the middle of the night feeling like you are dripping for want of a better word(sorry if that’s TMI!). All I can say is I am going to convert EVERYONE to this fabulous, fabulous item. It’s a bit messy to take out but it isn’t any worse they dealing with a tampon, so as a former sceptic I have to say what are you waiting for?

Katie – 02nd November 2012

If you think of buying a mooncup dont hesitate. I bought one after extensive research and its so much worth it. You save your health, money and environment. At first i didnt think it would be very practical or nice but actually using Mooncup feels even cleaner than tampons. Another plus is brilliant customer service. As an advice from me: Do read the leaflet and advice on the website, it helps you understand how the mooncup works straight away. I didnt have any problems since the very first time using it. 😉

Nat – 20th August 2012