

My mooncup arrived last month, after umming about buying one for awhile… have to say I wish I had bought one sooner. It didn’t take me too long to get use to it, simply squatting I’m able to insert and remove it easily. It’s not messy and I’ve had no mishaps. Once fitted properly you don’t feel it at all.
Normally I’d have to wear tampons for a week, this time with the mooncup it was just 4 days – maybe a coincidence, but I hope not.
I really cannot praise the mooncup enough, I really wished I’d bought one sooner. I’m converted.

Victoria – 15th February 2017

I’ve been using a mooncup for 10 years now, since after the birth of my first son (I was using washable nappies, and saw the mooncup on the nappy webpage and thought I would give it a go). I have used it since then. I thought at times it was a bit messy and perhaps a bit inconvenient, but cheaper in the long run than tampons and towels and better for the environment so I kept going and kind of got to appreciate it.

THEN this period, I could not find my mooncup; but no worries, thought I, there’s a handful of tampons in the cupboard going spare, it’ll be an easy period. How wrong I was. Mooncups are far more easy than tampons, now I know that for sure!

1)I think have had more leaks in the last 7 days than in the last 10 years. I have been constantly worried about leaks all week!
2)It’s inconvenient to have to remember to take a tampon into the toilet at work every time, just in case, and to ferret in the cupboard at home before going there, and to remember to put enough into my bag for whilst I am out for the day, no such worries with a mooncup, it’s there, you take it out, empty it, clean it put it back, there is nothing to forget;
3)Using a tampon is really no less messy than using a mooncup, (probably much more so, if you consider the frequency of leaks)
4)Tampons do not absorb clotty bits (that’s something I don’t remember from previous tampon use, perhaps it’s a sign of getting old….
5)It’s really great to go swimming with a mooncup – tampons tend to get all bulked up with pool water, but mooncups don’t
6)Period end tends to be a bit uncomfortable because the tampon absorbs vaginal fluids so can be sore to insert/remove

Previously I was a mooncup user. Now I am an EVANGELICAL mooncup user. I cannot believe that anyone would be daft enough to want to use tampons or towels when such a great alternative exists.

I have already been out and bought a brand new mooncup in case my old one doesn’t turn up before my next period. (After 10 years, it is probably not a bad investment!)

P.s. for any long term mooncup users, I really recommend a one period mooncup holiday – you will never want to go back to tampons ever ever again!

Sarah – 14th December 2015

I bought one of these after seeibg a few adverts online and was curious so i had a good look at thew ebsite and faqs and it sounded great. My periods are very light of late and this has been super annoying as I don’t get on with sanitary towels, I get thrush, and I’m too light to use tampons for the recommended time at the moment. Anyway, the mooncup is easy to insert because it’s mega squishy and once it’s in I can’t feel it. I had a practice go after a bath a few days prior so I was familiar with it as well. Best part is feeling clean and fresh like I’d used a tampon but none of that horrible feeling removing it. Mooncup is no more difficult or messy than a non applicator tampon and far more comfortable! Wish I’d discovered it sooner!!

angela – 28th November 2015

I’m so sad, since I got my Mooncup I had to forget about all my favourite hobbies:
– worrying about leakage
– feeling unclean and worrying about odour
– spending money on sanitary products
– remembering to take them if I stay over somewhere
– finding ways to dispose of towels
– polluting the environment
– always half thinking about when/where the nearest bathroom will be
– feeling like I want to shower 5 times a day
– enjoying the physical discomfort of tampons and towels

Took less time to get the hang of it than I expected, and now I have, it’s like I don’t even notice my period has come and gone because it was so easy. You spend 2 minutes emptying it and then don’t feel like you’re on your period for the next 8 hours.

I am free!

I hope there is a campaign to get these out to women in need, I would support it 100%.

Kate – 12th November 2015

I’ve been using my Mooncup for about a year now and I would never, ever go back to using pads and tampons again.During this time I’ve found that my cramps aren’t anywhere near as bad (they were often quite debilitating and I had to take a lot of time off work in the past), I don’t spend any where near as much money, my pants are spot free (gross, yeah, but I haven’t leaked once using a Mooncup), AND my periods are shorter and much less complicated.
All this with the added bonus of knowing that some poor fish isn’t going to end up with the contents of my uterus all over its face.
Nice one Mooncup.

Laura – 27th October 2015

Dear Tampon There is no easy way to tell you this…it is over. I am breaking up with you. This can come as no surprise as I have been very distant for the last few months. You haven’t seen me for a while and probably miss me. I don’t miss you….At All.
You promised me horse back riding in white pants
You promised that I could run down the beach in a white bikini.
You promised me energetic games of volley ball in cute white shorts.
We never did any of that. Instead you gave me cramps, dryness and thrush. All these years I thought it was me. I thought that it was something I had to put up with. I was wrong.
I have met someone else. Her name is Mooncup and we are in love. Mooncup loves me and I love her.
Since I have started seeing Moon I have had no cramps, no dryness and no thrush. My periods, which used to last 5 to 6 days, now only last 2 and a half days.
I feel healthy. I feel clean. I feel good.
Now I must get going. I have a volley ball match to get to.
Kind regards

Libby – 26th October 2015

I’ve been using a mooncup since university. I initially bought it for environmental reasons but, 12 years (and 2 babies) later, I now love my mooncup because it just seems so much cleaner and nicer than either pads or tampons. I would never want to go back to using either. The only negative is that I worry I will forget I’m wearing it sometimes. Can’t recommend it enough. Love it.

Emma – 12th October 2015

I love this product! Once you get over the initial ‘this is a bit gross’ and you figure out how to get in and out without any dramas, this is the most simple and brilliant way to manage your period. I have only had one spillage (on my first go) when the cup didn’t open properly in my vagina, since then I make sure that it has unfolded (yep, sometimes with suction sound included!) and I have not had any leaks at all. I used tampons before my mooncup and sometimes near the end of my period I would remove them and bits of cotton would stay inside. I love the mooncup, as it feels cleaner, safer and better for your body (and leaves nothing behind!) I find it works best for me to start using the mooncup when my period has actually started flowing, so if I know I am due my period, I will wear a pad that night then use the mooncup the next morning until the end of the cycle, but after the first night, I don’t use any other sanitary products. I find it helps to empty the cup in the sink, if that is possible, as you may need to flush a few times otherwise. I have just bought another 2 mooncups to send out to my Nepali friends. This product has massive humanitarian benefits for countries where periods are still a massive taboo, and will make rural village life for my friends so much easier.

Emma – 11th October 2015

I decided to try the Mooncup after getting a job working at a summer camp in America. I needed to save precious room in my bags, I needed to limit the amount of waste/rubbish I would produce, and I needed something I could do sports and swim with. I cannot express how happy I am to have found Mooncup! It doesn’t take up any room in my bag, it’s re-usable, and I feel so fresh and comfortable doing my sports or swimming with it in. My camp was pretty rural and using the Mooncup saved me from making long trips to the supermarket for more feminine products. I will admit it’s a little tricky to get in/out at first but you have to persevere because once you start using this you will never go back to pads or tampons, and the benefits are so worth it. I’ve recommended this to so many people since I started using it.
Thank you Mooncup!

em – 21st September 2015

I heard about mooncups just a few years ago, and wish I’d known about them even sooner than that. I couldn’t be happier- it doesn’t have a revolting odor, no more expensive bleached cottons products, and it’s no messier than my tampons ever were. All of my worry about carrying enough sanitary products at any given time are gone because all I need is my one mooncup. This thing is incredibly freeing and I love it for so many reasons, I recommend it every chance I get.

Joyce – 25th February 2015