

I’m 49 and peri-menopausal. After a lifetime of extremely painful, heavy periods and then for the last 7 years a diagnosis of erosive Vulval/Vaginal Lichen Planus; using Tampons, literally, were a pain. No matter which type I used they’d irritate and inflame an already irritated/inflamed sensitive area :o( I’d tried a return to pads but with heavy periods and nighttime leaks they just weren’t working for me.

My younger sister fairly recently discovered Mooncup and advised me to try it. I only bought mine on Friday and today is the first time using it. So it may be rather early to create a testimonial, but I feel good about this already! After recommendation from my sis & reading the info & other testimonials, I really have high hopes for this product.

Apart from freaking my hubby & son out while boiling it for first clean. They had a look, screwed their faces up and unfortunately, they are of the we won’t ask, so don’t tell us variety. I will, of course, educate hubby eventually.

Instructions were easy to follow and I found that it was extremely easy to insert. Having a tilted womb, wasn’t sure if it would be work but after a bit of manoeuvring it feels comfortable.

Funny episode in Boots while buying it (why was it hidden away on the bottom shelf???). I forgot my reading glasses and took it to the counter to ask the young ‘Health Advisor’ if I had the right size. She seemed a little awkward (queue behind me) and had to ask me the difficult Qs like: ‘What age are you?’ (How embarrassing!) ;o) and then; ‘Vaginal or Ceasarian births?’ Two, Ceasarian. So she whispered yes, think this size is fine. I bought another product – gel. Painkilling not lubricating! Only when I left the shop did I realise she’d charged me twice for the gel. So unnerved was she, by this strange Mooncup buying person. Went back, explained, she tried to refund, till froze, then had to call assistance, another queue formed behind me. I felt like whole shop knew what I’d just bought. Ha Ha!

If I can get through that then actually using this thing should be a walk in the park. ;o)

Kirsty – 26th April 2015

Wow!! At age 42 and having had 3 C-sections, I have grumbled for several years about having to have periods. My mom went in menopause at age 58 so I’m probably destined for a late one as well BUT this moon cup has changed my outlook! I have always hated pads. I couldn’t wear tampons because they hurt too much. So- I’ve spent my life abstaining from swimming and doing lots of fun things while on my heavier period days, wistfully watching everyone else have a great time. No more! This is the greatest thing ever!!
I am 42 with three kids but no vaginal births- I’ve always been kind of “small” down there so I tried the B size and it’s worked perfectly. How could this have not been invented 30 years ago??????? So liberating!!

Michelle – 7th April 2015

I recently bought a Mooncup after hearing it mentioned on a radio phone in about whether sanitary products should be taxed. A lady phoned in saying she used a Mooncup but that was all she said. I decided to look on the Internet to find out what this was as I’d never heard of them. I’ve just turned 50 and am in the throes of peri menopause. When I discoverd what a Moon cup was, I was intrigued to know more. I read as much information as I could including reviews, all of which were singing the Mooncups praises. I decided that I would like to try one for myself as the concept was a ‘no brainier’. I never thought there’d be a day when I couldn’t wait for my period to start so I could try it out. I have now been using the Mooncup for 2 days and I can honestly say it’s a wonderful invention! It is extremely easy to insert and remove (if you’re used to using tampons without the string, you’ll have no trouble). I can’t feel a thing once it’s inside and I could easily forget it’s there. My only gripe is I wish I’d discovered it sooner. I hate to think of the amount of money I’ve spent over the years on sanitary products. I would definitely recommend this product.

Julie – 27th March 2015

I have used my Mooncup for several years and now I am delighted to see they are available in Boots (mainstream chemist!!) as well as online. How I wish I had had one from 20 years ago. It has got a bit discoloured with time but that is really irrelevant. I tried another brand which was dark red coloured rubber which is a good idea to have this colour as it will become this colour in time anyway….but the other brand was much less flexible and more rigid, not as comfortable as Mooncup. I find MC simplicity itself to use, insertion is reasonably easy if I hold it folded into itself and just let it ‘pop’ open inside me. Removal…I did have to cut the whole stem off as it was protruding and irritated me, but once I’d done that I found that if I pinched the base it broke the suction and I could ease it out. You do have to keep it upright on removal UNLESS you remove it over the loo of course or it spills. I had to hold it tight if removing over the loo to stop it falling in! Once in, it never leaked. I found I could leave it in for a day and a night sometimes, and forgot it was there. You can’t feel it at all. I even started to have sex once or twice forgetting I had my period and it was still in! It was slightly embarrassing having to ask my partner to close his eyes while I swiftly took it out and emptied it on the ground or a tissue then hid it in the tissue!! I am now menopausal and during this time I have had month-long flooding while my body deals with the hormone thing. But throughout I have used the MC and no problem! Even with the heaviest flooding where I actually had to go to the hospital to ask advice about was my womb haemmorhaging because of fibroids or something, the MC just kept on catching it all and letting me know when it was full (I could feel a slight overflow seepage but nothing major, a panty liner caught it) the only difference was i had to empty it more often. But it holds an amazing amount of blood before you have to empty it. Mooncup, you saved me from having to be housebound stuck to a chair with a huge panty pad pile strapped to my bottom!!! You are a hero!!!!

Cathy – 10th February 2012