Light Periods

Light Periods

I’ve been using The Mooncup for about a year now and absolutely love it. I was a bit nervous about it to begin with because I knew very little about menstrual cups but was fed up with tampons and pads, and wanted to give something else a change… I must admit that it’s a lot easier to use and wear than using tampons. I always struggled finding the right size of tampons (I’ve got a very heavy flow for the first two days). Now, I don’t need to worry about that… and it doesn’t normally leak, unless I don’t insert it properly or its full. It did take me a couple of days to figure out how to use insert it properly. Once you get the hang of it, its also really easy to remove, even towards the end of my period; if you’ve ever had to remove a tampon at the end of your period you know how much it hurts. It’s also awesome to use traveling, though I’ve never had to use it during a long haul flight (I’ve never had my period when I’ve done a long haul flight)…

I have shared with friends about the greatness of the menstrual cup but its something that not a lot of people are willing to try out because they’re not really willing to take the step and try out something new. I’m glad I did.

Rachel – 27th February 2017

I was very hesitant about using the mooncup but I had heard such good things about it that I decided to try it. I used to use tampons but found they were uncomfortable with a light flow. The mooncup worked instantly and I’m so happy. It doesn’t leak and it’s not that awkward to empty as long as you have access to a toilet with a sink. The only time I fill the cup is on day one, and even then it’s only after 7 hours or so. Yes, you have to get up close and personal with your period and ultimately get it on your hands, but it’s nothing water won’t fix! And trust me, you feel so much more comfortable and clean without all those ammonia soaked tampons! I am a true convert and absolutely recommend it to everyone!

Lauren – 30th September 2016

I’ve been using a mooncup for 10 years now, since after the birth of my first son (I was using washable nappies, and saw the mooncup on the nappy webpage and thought I would give it a go). I have used it since then. I thought at times it was a bit messy and perhaps a bit inconvenient, but cheaper in the long run than tampons and towels and better for the environment so I kept going and kind of got to appreciate it.

THEN this period, I could not find my mooncup; but no worries, thought I, there’s a handful of tampons in the cupboard going spare, it’ll be an easy period. How wrong I was. Mooncups are far more easy than tampons, now I know that for sure!

1)I think have had more leaks in the last 7 days than in the last 10 years. I have been constantly worried about leaks all week!
2)It’s inconvenient to have to remember to take a tampon into the toilet at work every time, just in case, and to ferret in the cupboard at home before going there, and to remember to put enough into my bag for whilst I am out for the day, no such worries with a mooncup, it’s there, you take it out, empty it, clean it put it back, there is nothing to forget;
3)Using a tampon is really no less messy than using a mooncup, (probably much more so, if you consider the frequency of leaks)
4)Tampons do not absorb clotty bits (that’s something I don’t remember from previous tampon use, perhaps it’s a sign of getting old….
5)It’s really great to go swimming with a mooncup – tampons tend to get all bulked up with pool water, but mooncups don’t
6)Period end tends to be a bit uncomfortable because the tampon absorbs vaginal fluids so can be sore to insert/remove

Previously I was a mooncup user. Now I am an EVANGELICAL mooncup user. I cannot believe that anyone would be daft enough to want to use tampons or towels when such a great alternative exists.

I have already been out and bought a brand new mooncup in case my old one doesn’t turn up before my next period. (After 10 years, it is probably not a bad investment!)

P.s. for any long term mooncup users, I really recommend a one period mooncup holiday – you will never want to go back to tampons ever ever again!

Sarah – 14th December 2015

I bought one of these after seeing a few adverts online and was curious so i had a good look at the website and faqs and it sounded great. My periods are very light of late and this has been super annoying as I don’t get on with sanitary towels, I get thrush, and I’m too light to use tampons for the recommended time at the moment. Anyway, the mooncup is easy to insert because it’s mega squishy and once it’s in I can’t feel it. I had a practice go after a bath a few days prior so I was familiar with it as well. Best part is feeling clean and fresh like I’d used a tampon but none of that horrible feeling removing it. Mooncup is no more difficult or messy than a non applicator tampon and far more comfortable! Wish I’d discovered it sooner!!

Angela – 28th November 2015

I bought one of these after seeibg a few adverts online and was curious so i had a good look at thew ebsite and faqs and it sounded great. My periods are very light of late and this has been super annoying as I don’t get on with sanitary towels, I get thrush, and I’m too light to use tampons for the recommended time at the moment. Anyway, the mooncup is easy to insert because it’s mega squishy and once it’s in I can’t feel it. I had a practice go after a bath a few days prior so I was familiar with it as well. Best part is feeling clean and fresh like I’d used a tampon but none of that horrible feeling removing it. Mooncup is no more difficult or messy than a non applicator tampon and far more comfortable! Wish I’d discovered it sooner!!

angela – 28th November 2015

I’m 19 and I’m so so glad I found out about mooncup! I suffer from pcos and have always found pads unable to cope with how heavy my period can get, which left me with tampons. However, since my cycle always fluctuates unpredictably from light to ridiculously heavy, it’s always hard to guess which strength tampon to use, which the results either being uncomfortable dryness or embarrassing accidents…many a comfortable pairs of pants were lost this way. But! Mooncup is amazing for this! I can’t even express how amazing it is to be able to insert the mooncup and just not have to worry what my flow decides to do that day, it honestly feels like I can get on with my life. Not only that, but it really is extremely good for travel. I have a year abroad next year in a country where tampons haven’t really caught on and I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do until now. In terms of insertion, I struggled a bit at the beginning; I think it was because I wanted it to work so badly that I stressed out and couldn’t insert it properly. It felt a little bit like all the amazing testimonials here were part of a massive joke that I wasn’t in on, but then I slept on it and tried again the next day and lo and behold, I figured it out! If you’re struggling, I suggest trying the second folding method as it makes the shape slightly more similar to a tampon, which you might already have experience in inserting. But whatever happens, don’t give up on it, because using a mooncup will definitely change your life for the better (and that’s not even an exaggeration!)

Izzy – 22nd July 2015

I’m 21 years old and just heard about the mooncup. It’s disappointing that tampax and other sanitary products seem to have more marketing material than cups. So, on discovering this product though an article on the internet,I was dubious. If this product is so hygienic, cheap and green; how have I never heard of it before? I did my research and I couldn’t wait to order one. I’ve always had problems with other sanitary products. I found them very irritating, both physically on my skin and how unclean I felt while using them, not to mention the cost and how inconvenient it is having to buy them every month.
However, since using the mooncup I have experienced none of these problems. I’ve felt like I can actually go out and enjoy myself without the worries of leaking etc. While using it I felt totally comfortable and was able to leave it in for the full eight hours without any mess. There is no odor at all, no cramping, and no mess of trying to dispose of stuff discreetly. The most beneficial aspect of the mooncup for me is that I can use it for my light flow without that awful, dry, scratchy feel of the tampon.

The only downfall is that it can be tricky to insert, but I think that is more my problem than the mooncup’s. It can also make some icky noises when removing it. However, cutting off the stem and removing the cup by squeezing it made no sound at all.

I can’t recommend this product enough, it’s saved me money, time, and left my life that little bit less stressful. I no longer dread my period, result!

Thank you so much.

Kay – 29th March 2015

I bought my Mooncup last month after having a discussion with a friend about sanitary provision. It has always been a issue for me; sanitary pads are impractical, nasty, uncomfortable, and utterly useless on heavy days. Tampons are better but have never really felt comfortable, especially at the end of my period when my flow is a lot lighter and more unpredictable. I detest the feeling of dry tampons and sometimes you don’t have the right absorbency or even a spare with you. Plus I always felt disgusted with myself for throwing them away and polluting the world, but had no alternative! Mooncup changes all that! I read all the testimonials and everything on this site before buying mine, and everything these women have said before me is true – I even felt slightly less period pain than before, convincing me of my suspicion that tampons actually add to the discomfort. I didn’t see the need to wait until the latter days of my period to try the Mooncup, I got stuck in on the first day and just spent a little while practicing insertion and removal in the bathroom! Piece of cake once you know how! It’s such a relief knowing all I need to take with me when I’m out is some ibuprofen and a water bottle and not a stash of different tampons and liners. But aside from the overwhelming convenience and comfort, an unexpected plus, and perhaps the best thing about it, is I feel so much more in tune with my body! After one period using Mooncup I already feel like I know so much more about my cycle – I feel liberated! Mooncup does not feel invasive or malign but like it is designed to help you understand and support your body, not suppress or fight against it. I have told every woman I know to buy one and sent off for the stickers and leaflets – I am on a mission! I only wish, like every other Mooncup user, that I had known about it from the start. 11 year old me, embarrassed and needlessly ashamed by period stains and pads would have killed for one. Now, I have taken control, taken a step towards embracing my body, it’s functions and it’s needs, and my womanhood! Thank you Mooncup!

Jess – 18th March 2015

I bought the Moon Cup in January this year, and have now had two periods using it. Switching to the Moon Cup is one of the best decisions I have made in my life! I heard of it a few years ago but was put off by the idea of having to empty it in public places; this however is much easier than you would think as a) you don’t have to change it anywhere as near as much as a tampon and b) like the Q&A’s suggest, simply wiping it or using a water bottle is absolutely fine for the occasional time you do get caught in a cubicle without a sink. I knew when I bought the Moon Cup that it would have a number of advantages which have proved to be just as good as expected:
a) not having to buy tampons any more
b) not contributing to the environmental damage caused by disposable sanitary products
c) not having the dryness caused by a tampon
d) not having the awkward string poking out in embarrassing places such as the swimming pool!
All these advantages have been great and better than expected (the Moon Cup is so comfortable, you can’t tell it’s there, and putting it in and taking it out takes only the tiniest bit of practice!) but what’s been really great about the Moon Cup is the advantages I didn’t think about, which include:
a) Only having to change it every 7-8 hours, even on really heavy days
b) Not having the “odour” that comes along with your period, particularly towards the end of menstruation
c) Not having any “spotting” at the end of my period (bye bye pantyliners!)
d) Not having to worry about the size of tampons vs. flow – the Moon Cup can be worn throughout
e) Being really in touch with my body, and being able to know exactly when I have finished my period
f) They don’t cause any issues with toilet blockages, and you don’t have to deal with the ickyness that is the full sanitary bin in a public place.

Ladies – please try the Moon Cup! I have been singing it’s praises to my friends and I am shocked and actually quite disappointed that so many people think that a period is a “disgusting” thing, and that the Moon Cup is to be avoided – we should not be embarrassed by our bodies or scared of being more in touch with ourselves (yes, quite literally..!)
My only regret is not starting to use it earlier, as having now seen the difference in my body I have realised that the only disgusting and unnatural thing about periods is using any other type of sanitary product!
Go Moon Cup!

Becky – 14th March 2015

I heard about Mooncup at Glastonbury last year, visited the website and thought I’d try one for myself.Now I see why everyone felt the need to leave their comments! The Mooncup makes you feel SOOO much better about your period that you just want everyone to discover how great it is!!

I have a contraceptive implant in my arm and, for me, a side effect of that is my periods often being lighter, but quite erratic. That meant that I was having to wear a thin liner nearly every day – just in case. With the Mooncup I can pop it in and not have to worry. It’s so much more comfortable than having to sit wearing a pad (and/or tampon) all day and worrying about when you might need to change it.

The Mooncup has absolutely changed my life when it comes to periods. I know it sounds like I’m exaggerating, but it’s made me more open about periods, I’m not embarrassed about them, I’m not constantly worrying that I might leak, I’m SAVING SO MUCH MONEY and also saving the environment!
Mooncup is just a win win win win win situation.

Thanks a million. 🙂

Claire – 24th February 2015