Heavy Periods

Heavy Periods

As a transgender person, menstruation has always been a touchy subject for me, and periods have always been uncomfortable. Mooncup makes it much easier to cope – I usually can’t feel the cup at all, so for me it offers up to 8 hours of not having to think about what my body is going through.

Not having to stock up on products is also brilliant and saves a lot of embarrassment and discomfort. No more having to pretend I’m buying for someone else, or shamefully asking someone to buy products for me. My cycles tend to be highly irregular and heavy too, but I no longer have to worry about keeping extra products for emergencies. The money saved over time is the icing on the cake.

If you’re transgender and, like me, dread the monthly ‘curse’, I’d highly recommend giving Mooncup a try. Once you’re used to it, it really does make a huge difference.

Jeremy – 10th March 2017

At first, I was sceptical at the idea of using a mooncup, as I have always had heavy periods, and was paranoid about leaking or having to empty it often. I have never been so glad to be so wrong! It is so easy to insert, and so much more comfortable to wear! It’s also really liberating to see how much blood you really use, which really isn’t all that much! I have been using for 8 months now, and have saved almost €60 on tampons etc! I had a slight mishap with an unusual mark on my cup recently, and the team very kindly sent me a replacement cup. An excellent company, I cannot recommend mooncup enough! 🙂

Pauline – 4th March 2017

I’ve been using The Mooncup for about a year now and absolutely love it. I was a bit nervous about it to begin with because I knew very little about menstrual cups but was fed up with tampons and pads, and wanted to give something else a change… I must admit that it’s a lot easier to use and wear than using tampons. I always struggled finding the right size of tampons (I’ve got a very heavy flow for the first two days). Now, I don’t need to worry about that… and it doesn’t normally leak, unless I don’t insert it properly or its full. It did take me a couple of days to figure out how to use insert it properly. Once you get the hang of it, its also really easy to remove, even towards the end of my period; if you’ve ever had to remove a tampon at the end of your period you know how much it hurts. It’s also awesome to use traveling, though I’ve never had to use it during a long haul flight (I’ve never had my period when I’ve done a long haul flight)…

I have shared with friends about the greatness of the menstrual cup but its something that not a lot of people are willing to try out because they’re not really willing to take the step and try out something new. I’m glad I did.

Rachel – 27th February 2017

I’m not sure why I haven’t written a testimonial sooner! I’ve been using my Mooncup for around 7 years now. At first I was not so sure, having a few leaks, or not being able to get it out. BUT PERSEVERE! I now love my Mooncup it helps with heavy periods and there is so much less to think about. And after YEARS of my friends are finally giving it a go!! and all satisfied so far. Go for it!

Estelle – 3rd October 2016

I am very pleased with the protection the Mooncup offers me. I have been getting heavy bleeding and the Mooncup is the best for controlling ‘flooding’. I’ve only been using one for the last couple of cycles but I don’t think I’ll be using anything else from now onwards. The other good plus is that you can actually get a clear idea how much you are loosing, which is good to know.

Elizabeth 3rd October 2016

I’d been meaning to try one for ages but never actually got one until a friend told me about it. Since having a baby my period has become very heavy, and I’ve been finding both pads and tampons annoying, uncomfortable, messy, a hassle. This is the best solution ever – it took some getting used to (ie, the first two or three times dealing with it, cutting down the stem etc) but is now beyond brilliant. Convenient, very(!) comfortable, worry free, “roundup” free, and I’m now enjoying pristine sheets and underwear during my period which is a massive novelty and feels pretty great! In a logical world this should make all other sanitary products obsolete.

Julia – 24th December 2015

I’m halfway through my first cycle with the Mooncup and I’m kicking myself for not trying it already. My periods are heavy, like double protection, constant leakage, not leaving the house heavy, and as I advance further into my forties they’re getting worse. I’d always feel terribly bloated, and the cramps were just terrible. This little cup though…its a miracle. No bloating, cramps are so minimal they may as well not be there and there’s been nothing in the way of leakage. I’m going to consign my old lady period knickers to the bin! I finally feel like one of those women in the tampon ads. I could go roller skating in white shorts now! It’s surprised me how easy it is to use, I really thought it’d take a couple of cycles to get used to it but on insertion, it just kind of finds it’s own little niche and stays there unnoticed. I think this is the start of a long and beautiful relationship!

Alice – 13th December 2015

I finally took the plunge (as they say) today and bought a Mooncup. Put it in as soon as I got home, had to fiddle about a bit, but then… Yay, it fits, it’s comfortable, I’ve just been out on my works Christmas do and it’s been awesome so far and I have pretty heavy periods at the beginning! Goodbye tampons, goodbye sending stuff to landfill and goodbye to poisoning myself! The other thing I should mention is that I have had three natural births and they were big babies!! Thank you Mooncup, I can already see this will change my life!

Naomi – 12th December 2015

The last few months I have been plagued with really heavy menstral cycles, so much so I would soak a pad every hour. As I never got on with Tampons I took to sleeping in the bath. Since I discovered Mooncup I have managed to get a good nights sleep! As the cup holds a lot more than a pad and for me has not leaked I can safely say this last 3 days have been the happiest I have been, not to mention well rested. I would recommend this to anyone with heavy periods.

Nic – 6th November 2015

I’m only 18 and have struggled with heavy and irregular periods ever since I started when I was around 14. I always had to carry tampons with me and have had to try every pill there is to try and keep my periods at bay. Despite all the help I received from my doctors, I have been unable to find a solution which means I will just have to wait and (hopefully) in time they will sort themselves out. Wearing tampons all the time was hurting me and making me feel uncomfortable as I was always worried I would leak. On the other hand, as my periods were so irregular, sometimes I will come on for a day and the bleeding be very light and therefore wearing a tampon was highly uncomfortable as there was not much to ‘collect’. My sister has also struggled with the same problems with her periods. She is 3 years older and so has had the problems for longer. She told me about her buying a mooncup and suggested I should get one myself. At first I was a little apprehensive but decided to give it a go and now I absolutely love it! I found it very easy to use and didn’t have any problems at all. It makes me feel so much more comfortable as it lasts a lot longer than a regular tampon (which is so useful for college and my part-time job) because, as I previously mentioned, my periods were so heavy I would constantly be changing tampons. Even if I have my one day, very light but equally annoying period, I feel safe knowing my mooncup isn’t hurting me and is fool-proof in terms of how much you bleed.
All in all I am so glad I listened to her advice and bought one for myself. It’s brilliant!

M – 24th September 2015