Cramps and Period Pain

Cramps and Period Pain

I absolutely love my mooncup. My period pains are all but gone and my period is only about 2-3 days rather than closer to 5. I only wished I’d found them earlier! I have converted one friend who loves her new mooncup and I’m trying to convert more.

Liz – 3rd October 2016

I bought my moon cup over 3 years ago. I had heard of it but never really wanted to spend £20 on it. I really wish I was made to use this when I was younger. I truly believe that tampons made my periods worse and they are so bad for the environment. I will never ever use a tampon again ever!!!!!! I have washable pads for when I am sleeping which go in the washing machine and my moon cup. I have taken it abroad with me, its been running with me its been swimming with me, to parties and nights out with me and it has never let me down. I love it. I lost it once about a year ago and I was so upset my husband went out and got me another one 🙂 bless, if I had had daughters I would make sure they used these. I would love to be able to set up a charity so that women in third world impoverished contries have these, I cant imagine what they go through every month without proper sanitary conditions. I will work that out and hopefully let you all know. I have converted nearly every woman I know, and they are all raving about it. I have lighter less painful periods and my skin is even clearer after using it where as that time I would break out. I have less bloating and my cycle is shorter. Amazing!!! buy one today, dont wait just do it, you wont regret it 🙂

**** – 23rd December 2015

I’m halfway through my first cycle with the Mooncup and I’m kicking myself for not trying it already. My periods are heavy, like double protection, constant leakage, not leaving the house heavy, and as I advance further into my forties they’re getting worse. I’d always feel terribly bloated, and the cramps were just terrible. This little cup though…its a miracle. No bloating, cramps are so minimal they may as well not be there and there’s been nothing in the way of leakage. I’m going to consign my old lady period knickers to the bin! I finally feel like one of those women in the tampon ads. I could go roller skating in white shorts now! It’s surprised me how easy it is to use, I really thought it’d take a couple of cycles to get used to it but on insertion, it just kind of finds it’s own little niche and stays there unnoticed. I think this is the start of a long and beautiful relationship!

Alice – 13th December 2015

Mooncup changed my life, years of thrush and BV, after changing to using a Mooncup 2 years ago, barely a problem, its so easy to use and my periods are certainly lighter and less painful. The added bonus is obviously the cost saving and the lack of impact on the environment unlike other sanitary items. I am shocked so few women I speak to have ever heard of the Mooncup and I wish I had known about it before I did, its a shame its not more widely available. Great product !!! Love It,

Nita – 31st October 2015

I’ve been using my Mooncup for about a year now and I would never, ever go back to using pads and tampons again.During this time I’ve found that my cramps aren’t anywhere near as bad (they were often quite debilitating and I had to take a lot of time off work in the past), I don’t spend any where near as much money, my pants are spot free (gross, yeah, but I haven’t leaked once using a Mooncup), AND my periods are shorter and much less complicated.
All this with the added bonus of knowing that some poor fish isn’t going to end up with the contents of my uterus all over its face.
Nice one Mooncup.

Laura – 27th October 2015

Dear Tampon There is no easy way to tell you this…it is over. I am breaking up with you. This can come as no surprise as I have been very distant for the last few months. You haven’t seen me for a while and probably miss me. I don’t miss you….At All.
You promised me horse back riding in white pants
You promised that I could run down the beach in a white bikini.
You promised me energetic games of volley ball in cute white shorts.
We never did any of that. Instead you gave me cramps, dryness and thrush. All these years I thought it was me. I thought that it was something I had to put up with. I was wrong.
I have met someone else. Her name is Mooncup and we are in love. Mooncup loves me and I love her.
Since I have started seeing Moon I have had no cramps, no dryness and no thrush. My periods, which used to last 5 to 6 days, now only last 2 and a half days.
I feel healthy. I feel clean. I feel good.
Now I must get going. I have a volley ball match to get to.
Kind regards

Libby – 26th October 2015

After suffering with increasingly heavy periods and pain that was getting worse year on year I was getting very tired of ‘standard’ sanitary products – a super plus tampon would only last 45 minutes at the most for the worst day of my period and I found myself getting yeast infections every couple of months. The bulk and sometimes weird smell that accompanies pads meant that they were also off-putting for me.
After seeing a Mooncup sticker inside a toilet door at university and seeing on the website that its capacity was more than that of the most absorbent tampons, I decided to give it a try. I wish someone had told me about this years ago and it could have saved me a hundred periods of misery!

It takes a little getting used to at first – I obviously wasn’t getting the seal right during my first period with it and it kept creeping further and further up which lead to lots of leaks and trying to fish it out was a bit of a nightmare. As I had to do with tampons a decade ago, however, I persevered and eventually got it right! Making sure the holes aren’t blocked, turning it, inserting it as low as possible and particularly giving the stem (which I shortened as much as possible) a little tug downwards once it’s inserted and opened all seem to help with forming a seal and since then, I experience next to no leaks even with my nightmare periods overnight when I only have to wear a thin pantyliner in case I really exceed its capacity during a long sleep.

I have found my cramps and pain to be much less severe than they were using tampons and I haven’t had a single yeast infection in the year I’ve been using the Mooncup. Between these benefits for my health, for my wallet, the environment and the fact that you can’t feel it when inserted properly (I used to hate it when my tampon slipped further down and it would irritate my nether regions!), the Mooncup has been a complete lifesaver.

Something you don’t realise as well until you experience it – I no longer have the panic of realising I have no sanitary products in my bag or jacket – I can pop into the loos with it in and not have to worry about taking things with me. No more running home from lectures to fill my bag with bulky super plus tampons, no more worrying on nights out that I’m going to be leaking within half an hour and don’t have anything with me. It’s been the best decision I have made for my health and sanity coping with my horrendous periods and I espouse its merits to anyone who will listen!

It’s about time we expand puberty and sex education in schools to let girls know that there are other options out there. It would have saved me so much money, time and distress over the years! Thank you Mooncup!

Meg – 18th June 2015

I only recently heard about me steal cups and decided to try the moon cup around three months ago. I could only see positive comments about it so thought I couldn’t go wrong. I was right, it’s the best thing I have heard of in some time, I love it! I have since given away all my remaining supplies of tampons and pads and purchased another moon cup as a spare. Initially I bought the larger size as I am over 30 years however I have since purchased the smaller cup as I had c-sections for both my children and have found this better. Initially the insertion was a little tricky but I soon got the hang of it. I had to trim the entire stem off but otherwise it is perfect! I even have less period pain which is a big thing for me as I used to suffer terribly. I only wish my mother had told me about this product. I wonder if she ever knew herself. I have spread the word and two friends have since purchased one each and love it also. I will certainly be encouraging my daughter when the time comes. I look forward to another similar product that can be used safely for sexual encounters 🙂

Johanna – 2nd May 2015

I’m 49 and peri-menopausal. After a lifetime of extremely painful, heavy periods and then for the last 7 years a diagnosis of erosive Vulval/Vaginal Lichen Planus; using Tampons, literally, were a pain. No matter which type I used they’d irritate and inflame an already irritated/inflamed sensitive area :o( I’d tried a return to pads but with heavy periods and nighttime leaks they just weren’t working for me.

My younger sister fairly recently discovered Mooncup and advised me to try it. I only bought mine on Friday and today is the first time using it. So it may be rather early to create a testimonial, but I feel good about this already! After recommendation from my sis & reading the info & other testimonials, I really have high hopes for this product.

Apart from freaking my hubby & son out while boiling it for first clean. They had a look, screwed their faces up and unfortunately, they are of the we won’t ask, so don’t tell us variety. I will, of course, educate hubby eventually.

Instructions were easy to follow and I found that it was extremely easy to insert. Having a tilted womb, wasn’t sure if it would be work but after a bit of manoeuvring it feels comfortable.

Funny episode in Boots while buying it (why was it hidden away on the bottom shelf???). I forgot my reading glasses and took it to the counter to ask the young ‘Health Advisor’ if I had the right size. She seemed a little awkward (queue behind me) and had to ask me the difficult Qs like: ‘What age are you?’ (How embarrassing!) ;o) and then; ‘Vaginal or Ceasarian births?’ Two, Ceasarian. So she whispered yes, think this size is fine. I bought another product – gel. Painkilling not lubricating! Only when I left the shop did I realise she’d charged me twice for the gel. So unnerved was she, by this strange Mooncup buying person. Went back, explained, she tried to refund, till froze, then had to call assistance, another queue formed behind me. I felt like whole shop knew what I’d just bought. Ha Ha!

If I can get through that then actually using this thing should be a walk in the park. ;o)

Kirsty – 26th April 2015

I am a new mooncup user, and 4 days into my period now I can honestly say this product is amazing. Everything that is said in all the other reviews is true, I feel cleaner and I’ve had significantly reduced cramps this month. I found it a bit tricky to remove at first, but I’m getting the hang of it now. If you are considering buying this product, do it! Every woman should have one 🙂

Heather – 22nd April 2015